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Unable To Add 3rd Party Plugin


The upgrade to 2496 broke my 3rd party plugin references and when I tried to update threw errors complaining about not being able to find the project's plugin file.

I recreated the project and have added core plugins without any problems.  But when I try to add Google's ZIP plugin I get an error that says "Unknown Error.  Unexpected call to process.exit()"

I am trying to add the plugin via Git repo with a Repo URL of  How can I reference this plugin?



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1 Solution

Regarding the ZIP plugin, try doing the following:

  • change your project to CLI 5.1.1
  • go to import a third-party plugin and choose the "registry" import (the default)
  • import the plugin by this name: cordova-plugin-zip and version: 3.0.0

It should pull in the plugin from the new Cordova registry (npm-based) and should also pull in the cordova-plugin-file plugin, also from NPM.

For the Social Sharing plugin, try to include it from the "featured" plugin list or, if you use the third-party option, do similarly to above:

  • change your project to CLI 5.1.1
  • go to import a third-party plugin and choose the "registry" import option (default)
  • import the plugin by this name: cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing and version 5.0.2

In both cases (above) you can leave off the version number and you'll get the latest version stored in the registry.

Let me know if this makes any difference.

View solution in original post

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24 Replies
New Contributor I

I am having similar issues trying to add the Featured Plugin - Social Sharing by Eddy Verbruggen.

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New Contributor I

Same as Mike B with Social Sharing - extended information about my experience here:

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New Contributor III

I have the same problem and solved it by adding the source manually see:

Check my last note about CLI version!

0 Kudos

Hi Robert,

I tried adding the Google's ZIP plugin in a sample and a blank project and it imported fine both times. It adds the file plugin as a dependency. Maybe there is an incompatibility with other plugins. Which ones are you using? I will try to recreate the issue. 

EDIT: I think the issue is that your old project was creating with older project settings. It would be very useful if you could send me your project. I can try to recreate the issue and provide better details to engineering if needed. 

0 Kudos

I created a new Cordova project and was able to add the ZIP plugin successfully.  So this may be an issue with other plugins.  I'm referencing FILE and FILE TRANSFER plugins.

I have a meeting to attend.  I'll report back when I know more.

EDIT:  Before I uninstalled the XDK and re-installed the latest version I did create one simple, new Cordova project and was able to import the ZIP plugin.  However, I have tried multiple times since then with new and existing projects and cannot get the ZIP plugin to import.

0 Kudos


Thank you for patience. Our engineering team is working on this. I will keep you posted. 

Meanwhile you can refer this documentation.

0 Kudos

One more piece of information...   In order to use the Google ZIP plugin in the previous version of the XDK I had to add the FILE and FILE TRANSFER plugins via their GIT repositories.  So I thought I would attempt the same thing in this new version of the XDK. 

I recreated my project from scratch which resulted in the DEVICE and SPLASHSCREEN plugins being included.  I then attempted to add the FILE plugin via its GIT repository (, but I received the same error stating "Unknown Error  Unexpected call to process.exit()"


0 Kudos

This is really strange.  I attempted to remove the SPLASHSCREEN plugin from the project, but I received an error.  So I dumped the project and recreated it.  This is a project that was developed in NetBeans, so I am importing it into the XDK. 

This time I chose not to use the use cordova plugins option when I imported.  I then upgraded the project to use cordova plugins.  This gave me a project with no plugins.  I then added the DEVICE plugin successfully.  Then I tried to add the ZIP plugin from but I got the same error.

0 Kudos


Update: I am able to include file and filet ransfer plugin successfully by selecting them from core plugins list.

1. You can include any git repo plugin by selecting git repo tab.No need to download it.

2. Are you extracting the zipped folder?

3. Can you provide some screenshots of the error you are getting?

4. Try selecting file plugin which is located under core plugins.


0 Kudos

I completely uninstalled the Intel XDK and re-installed the latest version.  I am still getting the same error.

I have not been downloading the plugins.  I am simply referencing via their git repo.

EDIT:  If I create a new application I can import the ZIP plugin.  It only seems to be when I import my existing, non-cordova project that I get the error.  Well, I was able to import the ZIP plugin one time when I created a new, empty Cordova project (when I had upgraded to the new XDK version).  However, I just created a new, empty Cordova project (after completely uninstalling and then re-installing the XDK), and I now get the same error when I try to import the ZIP plugin from its git repo.

I simply created a new Cordova project without the App Designer.  This created an empty project that includes the StatusBar, Device and Splashscreen plugins.  I then tried to import the ZIP plugin using the Git repo option via the repo.  This produces the same error.

I have attached a screenshot of the error.


0 Kudos

Regarding the ZIP plugin, try doing the following:

  • change your project to CLI 5.1.1
  • go to import a third-party plugin and choose the "registry" import (the default)
  • import the plugin by this name: cordova-plugin-zip and version: 3.0.0

It should pull in the plugin from the new Cordova registry (npm-based) and should also pull in the cordova-plugin-file plugin, also from NPM.

For the Social Sharing plugin, try to include it from the "featured" plugin list or, if you use the third-party option, do similarly to above:

  • change your project to CLI 5.1.1
  • go to import a third-party plugin and choose the "registry" import option (default)
  • import the plugin by this name: cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing and version 5.0.2

In both cases (above) you can leave off the version number and you'll get the latest version stored in the registry.

Let me know if this makes any difference.

0 Kudos

Paul F. (Intel) wrote:

Regarding the ZIP plugin, try doing the following:

  • change your project to CLI 5.1.1
  • go to import a third-party plugin and choose the "registry" import (the default)
  • import the plugin by this name: cordova-plugin-zip and version: 3.0.0

It should pull in the plugin from the new Cordova registry (npm-based) and should also pull in the cordova-plugin-file plugin, also from NPM.

I tried the steps you provided for importing the ZIP plugin and they worked as you described...  including the File plugin being imported because of the ZIP plugin's dependence on it!  I also imported the File Transfer plugin using the same method.  (I am not the one working with the Social Sharing plugin, so I did not attempt that one.  However, I bet it will work as well.) 

I cannot test the project this evening as I did not bring my test Android device home with me.  But I will test tomorrow and report the results.

Thank you all very much for the help with this!


EDIT:  Just wanted to confirm that this worked.  This morning I was able to build the app with the ZIP plugin.  Thanks again for the help with this!

0 Kudos

I have absolutely the same issue - when adding Core or Featured plugins, it's OK, but once I try to add Third-Party Plugin from Git repo it fails with an error message "Unexpected call to process.exit()". My steps were:

1) I update IDE
2) After start-up, project upgrade failed with the error message
3) I removed the project from IDE
4) I deleted all XDK files from the project dir and I deleted plugins dir
5) I created new project from HTML 5 sources
6) I added core plugins
7) I tried to add "" 3rd party plugin form Git repo

"Fetching your plugin" was displayed and in couple of seconds the error message was shown.

Hope it helps.


0 Kudos

Just to add - manually downloading the plugin helped - it's described here


0 Kudos

Robert M. wrote:


Paul F. (Intel) wrote:


Regarding the ZIP plugin, try doing the following:

  • change your project to CLI 5.1.1
  • go to import a third-party plugin and choose the "registry" import (the default)
  • import the plugin by this name: cordova-plugin-zip and version: 3.0.0


The key to the instructions from Paul F for me was the second bullet point (which I have made bold above).  When importing the Third-Party plugin DO NOT choose the "Git repo" radio button.  Instead leave the selection as "Cordova plugin registry".  Then use the plugin name (the dash format instead of the dot format) in the Plugin ID field and provide a version if desired.

Others said they manually downloaded the plugins as you described and while that allowed them to add the plugin it generated other issues.

EDIT:  corrected typo

0 Kudos

Robert M. wrote:


Robert M. wrote:



Paul F. (Intel) wrote:


Regarding the ZIP plugin, try doing the following:

  • change your project to CLI 5.1.1
  • go to import a third-party plugin and choose the "registry" import (the default)
  • import the plugin by this name: cordova-plugin-zip and version: 3.0.0




The key to the instructions from Paul F for me was the second bullet point (which I have made bold above).  When importing the Third-Party plugin DO NOT choose the "Git repo" radio button.  Instead leave the selection as "Cordova plugin registry".  Then use the plugin name (the dash format instead of the dot format) in the Plugin DI field and provide a version if desired.

Others said they manually downloaded the plugins as you described and while that allowed them to add the plugin it generated other issues.

Thanks for the update. Just downloading them is working for me ATM. It sometimes shows "plugins discrepancy", when I restart the IDE,  but it continues fine. I just have a problem with iOS, which shows plugins error message during compilation:

  • Error: Plugin "File" failed to install.
  • Error: Plugin "Device" failed to install.
  • Error: Plugin "File Transfer" failed to install.
  • Error: Plugin "Geolocation" failed to install.
  • Error: Plugin "Globalization" failed to install.
  • Error: Plugin "InAppBrowser" failed to install.
  • Error: Plugin "Media" failed to install.
  • Error: Plugin "Network Information" failed to install.
  • Error: Plugin "Notification" failed to install.
  • Error: Plugin "Splashscreen" failed to install.
  • Error: Plugin "StatusBar" failed to install.
  • Error: Plugin "Device Orientation" failed to install.

As it has happened time to time before, i'll try later and we will see .....

0 Kudos

@Marek -- that is an interesting failure message for your iOS build. Are you doing a CLI 4.1.2 build or a CLI 5.1.1 build?

0 Kudos

Paul F. (Intel) wrote:

@Marek -- that is an interesting failure message for your iOS build. Are you doing a CLI 4.1.2 build or a CLI 5.1.1 build?


Paul, I am doing 4.1.2. As I wrote, it's has already happened time to time before. So I waited for couple of hours in such a case and retried and it usually worked. Unfortunately it's same now since yesterday's upgrade.

0 Kudos

Marek Š. wrote:


Paul F. (Intel) wrote:


@Marek -- that is an interesting failure message for your iOS build. Are you doing a CLI 4.1.2 build or a CLI 5.1.1 build?




Paul, I am doing 4.1.2. As I wrote, it's has already happened time to time before. So I waited for couple of hours in such a case and retried and it usually worked. Unfortunately it's same now since yesterday's upgrade.

FYI - I just switched the project to 5.1.1 and the compilation is successful (at least once ;) )

0 Kudos

Marek Š. wrote:


Marek Š. wrote:



Paul F. (Intel) wrote:


@Marek -- that is an interesting failure message for your iOS build. Are you doing a CLI 4.1.2 build or a CLI 5.1.1 build?




Paul, I am doing 4.1.2. As I wrote, it's has already happened time to time before. So I waited for couple of hours in such a case and retried and it usually worked. Unfortunately it's same now since yesterday's upgrade.



FYI - I just switched the project to 5.1.1 and the compilation is successful (at least once ;) )

FYI - so, there are 2 issues now:

1) The compiled application is locked in portrait mode on my iPad (Orientation setting is Default)

2) Android compilation fails:

  • Building a Cordova 5.1.1 application.
  • The application name is "LZS"
  • The package name is "cz.foxtrot.lzs"
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-file" (2.1.0) installed.
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-device" (1.0.1) installed.
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-file-transfer" (1.2.1) installed.
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-geolocation" (1.0.1) installed.
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-globalization" (1.0.1) installed.
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" (1.0.1) installed.
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-media" (1.0.1) installed.
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-network-information" (1.0.1) installed.
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-dialogs" (1.1.1) installed.
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" (2.1.0) installed.
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-statusbar" (1.0.0) installed.
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-device-orientation" (1.0.1) installed.
  • Plugin "nl.x-services.plugins.insomnia" (4.0.1) installed.
  • Plugin "com.pluginTest.plistTest" (3.2.0) installed.
  • Plugin "org.apache.cordova.file" (0.2.5) installed.
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-zip" (2.1.1) installed.
  • Plugin "" (0.1.7) installed.
  • Plugin "cordova-plugin-legacy-whitelist" (1.1.0) installed.
  • App name updated to [LZS]
  • Updated "minSdkVersion" with "10"
  • Updated "targetSdkVersion" with "19"
  • Updated "installLocation" to "auto"
  • Permission "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" already exists.
  • Updated "versionCode" to "1"
  • Updated "versionName" to "4.2 LZS"
  • Added "debuggable" to "false"
  • An unexpected error occured while attempting to build the application.

and in detailed report, there is this message:

:processReleaseManifest.../Airman/platforms/android/AndroidManifest.xml:15:5 Error:
	uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 10 cannot be smaller than version 14 declared in library .../Airman/platforms/android/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/android/CordovaLib/unspecified/release/AndroidManifest.xml
	Suggestion: use tools:overrideLibrary="org.apache.cordova" to force usage

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':processReleaseManifest'.
> Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 10 cannot be smaller than version 14 declared in library .../Airman/platforms/android/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/android/CordovaLib/unspecified/release/AndroidManifest.xml
  	Suggestion: use tools:overrideLibrary="org.apache.cordova" to force usage

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


Total time: 4.409 secs

                    throw e;
Error code 1 for command: .../Airman/platforms/android/gradlew with args: cdvBuildRelease,-b,.../Airman/platforms/android/build.gradle,-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true
Command finished with error code 8: .../Airman/platforms/android/cordova/build --release
ERROR building one of the platforms: Error: .../Airman/platforms/android/cordova/build: Command failed with exit code 8
You may not have the required environment or OS to build this project
Error: .../Airman/platforms/android/cordova/build: Command failed with exit code 8
    at ChildProcess.whenDone (/Developer/cordova/5.1.1/node_modules/cordova/node_modules/cordova-lib/src/cordova/superspawn.js:134:23)
    at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
    at maybeClose (child_process.js:743:16)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:810:5)


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