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Wi-Fi connection and Bluetooth file transfer problems ( Android-to-WindowsXP )

Valued Contributor II

[ Updated on December 17th, 2012 ]

I have a Wi-Fi connection problem with an Android device. So, a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.0 (7") could not connect to:
Security-Enabled Computer-to-Computer network ( over Wi-Fi )
Network Authentication: Open
Data Encryption: WEP
Note: The device doesn't see that type of network!

However, it could connect to:
   Security-enabled wireless network
   Security-enabled wireless network (WPA)
   Security-enabled wireless network (WPA2)
   Unsecured wireless network
Note: Verified in many places like cafees, airports, University of Calgary campus, etc.

Any ideas, tips or suggestions? Thank you in advance.

[ Summary as of December 17th, 2012 ]

A test with a MacBook ( Mac OS X v10.7.5 ) notebook was finally done and it successfully detected and connected to our Security-Enabled Computer-to-Computer network ( over Wi-Fi / Open / WEP ) created between several computers with Windows XP and Windows 7 OSs. The test was completed in less than 2 minutes without any issues and problems.

[ Summary as of December 4th, 2012 ]

- An update from Samsung for Android OS v4.0.4 ICS was recently installed on the tablet

- Wi-Fi Advanced Configuration Editor was installed on the tablet
  The application allows to see and edit advanced settings of a Wi-Fi network and it is
  downloaded from:

- Linksys 'Compact Wireless-G USB Network' adapters are used on some desktop computers with Windows XP

- The following advanced settings of the 'Compact Wireless-G USB Network' adapter:


   are considered as the most important and were modified many times during many tests

   Note 1: NetworkType is set to 802.11 Ad Hoc

   Note 2: Widest possible ranges for channels were selected:

   CountryRegion ( Country Region 11G ) - #5 Channel ( 1 - 14 )
   CountryRegionABand ( Country Region 11A ) - #7 Channel ( 36 - 165 )

- Microsoft Network Monitor v3.4 was used on some desktop computers with Windows XP

- A Wi-Fi Signal Strength is always 'Excellent'

- A workaround based on a Bluetooth connection was considered, it works and tested. However, a transmittion speed and a distance between tablets and computers are two significant constraints:

  A transmittion speed limitation of the Bluetooth connection - it takes too long to transmit large data files

  A distance limitation of the Bluetooth connection - a tablet could be away ( many meters ) from a computer with Windows platform
  - That computer could be considered as a 'Bluetooth Server'
  - Some number of Bluetooth adapters are also needed 

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204 Replies
Valued Contributor II
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Valued Contributor I
>>>It doesn't look like an IP address ( on attached screenshot 'BtProblemScreenB.jpg' ): ... Address: ae:2d:22:00:ff:00>>> Sorry it is hardware MAC address.This address is asigned by the manufacturer of the device.Afaik many NIC's contain special status hardware register which is responsible for changing a MAC address.Your situation is very strange because MAC address range is 2^48 and encountering two unmodified devices with the same address tells us about the some abnormal situation.The problem lies in ability to reprogram one of the MAC addresses on Android device.I need to do some research on this issue. Please read this article :
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor I
>>...This is a test with Embeded image in the post. I hope that will work...>>> Does that inactive Bluetooth icon device have the same MAC address as active one? How are your Bluetooth receivers connected to the pc? If this is an USB you can view the hubs with the help of usbview tool.Please try to run this tool and post the results. Please connect only the faulting device and post the results.
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Valued Contributor II
Hi Iliya, >>...Do you know some very technical numerical methods and/or scientific calculation forums? Please take a look at: . . . PS: You really need to look at it!
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor I
>>>PS: You really need to look at it!>>> Thank you very much.You really made my day.Sadly they are coding in AT&T assembly notation. What about your Android Bluetooth problems?
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
>>...What about your Android Bluetooth problems? There is nothing new and a file transfer is not stable. After a couple of transfers I need to reboot the tablet and computer. Some time ago you've asked me about ad-hoc connections settings for Wi-Fi. I verified it and it is as follows: 'Network to Access' - a setting is 'Any available network'
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Valued Contributor I
>>>There is nothing new and a file transfer is not stable. After a couple of transfers I need to reboot the tablet and computer.>>> Did you connect one of your malfunctioning Bluetooth devices to pc?I would like to know if the same MAC (on both devices) address could be a reason for the inactive bluetooth device exactly as you have described in one of your posts. >>>'Network to Access' - a setting is 'Any available network'>>> Is this Android setting?
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Valued Contributor II
>>...This is a test with Embeded image in the post. I hope that will work...
That works! PS: After a couple of days the image is not displayed any longer!
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
>>>>There is nothing new and a file transfer is not stable. After a couple of transfers I need to reboot the tablet and computer.>>> >> >>Did you connect one of your malfunctioning Bluetooth devices to pc? Yes. I'd like to note again that both Bluetooth devices are working. The problem is that when both devices are connected (!) only one is working ( a device that was connected first ). >>I would like to know if the same MAC (on both devices) address could be a reason for the inactive bluetooth device.. Yes. They have identical MAC addresses. >>>>'Network to Access' - a setting is 'Any available network'>>> >> >>Is this Android setting? No. It is the Windows XP setting.
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Valued Contributor I
>>>Yes. I'd like to note again that both Bluetooth devices are working. The problem is that when both devices are connected (!) only one is working ( a device that was connected first ).>>> By simple logical reasoning yor problem boils down to two identical MAC addresses beign active on your local network.On such a network two or more devices cannot have the same address.One of the option to solve this problem is to reprogram your Bluetooth device MAC address register I posted two links.Other option is to change somehow Win Bluetooth driver stack which is responsible for the device connection and identification. Maybe you could call SAmsung tech service and talk to them. Regarding wi-fi connecting have you proceeded like explained in this article : Slightly off topic question Have you tried to write inline SSE assembly elementary functions class or program.My problem is that every function grows to more than 100 lines of code because of structures used to pass vectors to XMM registers.How such a issue could be implemented more efficiently.
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Valued Contributor II
Hi Iliya, >>Have you tried to write inline SSE assembly elementary functions class... No. My exposure to SSE is very limited due to portability constraints of the project. Would you be able to post source codes for one of your not-optimized function? Is it in C/C++ or Java? Best regards, Sergey
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor II
By the way, I'd like to make a comment on a battery life of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7"). It worked for 9 hours 31 minute in one of my test without re-charging. So, it was pretty impressive and I strongly recommend the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 tablet ( especially 10" over 7" ).
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Valued Contributor II
>>... >>Regarding wi-fi connecting have you proceeded like explained in this article: >> >> I'll check it tomorrow. Thanks, Iliya!
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Valued Contributor I
>>>It worked for 9 hours 31 minute in one of my test without re-charging. So, it was pretty impressive and I strongly recommend the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 tablet ( especially 10" over 7" ).>>> Very impressive indeed, but one thing bothers me how Samsung engineers could overlook Mac address issue? I strongly advise you to call Samsung tech support and talk to them. Was your Galaxy somehow modified befory you purchased it?
0 Kudos
Valued Contributor I
>>>I'll check it tomorrow. Thanks, Iliya!>>> Please read this article very interesting here is link : Please read also this article it explains how to enable wi-fi connection on Android device link here :
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Valued Contributor I
>>>No. My exposure to SSE is very limited due to portability constraints of the project. Would you be able to post source codes for one of your not-optimized function? Is it in C/C++ or Java?>>> Yes of course I will post source code in my sine function thread.My intention is to write static library with elementary and special function designed as a vectors.Every vector is build from double and float primitives and can contain between 2 to 4 scalars so I can effectively do SIMD - style calculations. My library will be written in C++ and will contain only static functions.I will also perform an extensive testing of the execution speed and post the results. @Sergey I posted source code of vectorised fastsin4D() function which returns a 4D component vector of sine float values.
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Valued Contributor II
>>...Was your Galaxy somehow modified befory you purchased it? No. It is a regular US/Canada version and it was purchased for R&D.
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Valued Contributor I
>>>No. It is a regular US/Canada version and it was purchased for R&D.>>> What surprises me how those two units got the sam MAC address.Vendor ID is first 2 or 3 octets and Device ID is remaining 4 or 3 octets so the adresses range is very large.Maybe someone programming mistake.
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Valued Contributor II
>>I also checked Windows Event Viewer logs and I found a message: >> >>'TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts' It happens every time when I open too many copies of Internet Explorer when browsing the web. A Windows utility 'Netstat' with option '-no' helped to clear that issue.
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Valued Contributor II
>>What surprises me how those two units got the sam MAC address.Vendor ID is first 2 or 3 octets and Device ID is >>remaining 4 or 3 octets so the adresses range is very large. Maybe someone programming mistake. I can't find another explanation. Also, this is what somebody posted on: ...Part of the MAC address is the manafacturer ID which is normally hard coded, the remainder of the address is left to be incremented when the card is rolled out, so supposedly no two addresses are ever the same...
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Valued Contributor I
>>>It happens every time when I open too many copies of Internet Explorer when browsing the web. A Windows utility 'Netstat' with option '-no' helped to clear that issue.>>> Did you use NetMon to find misbehaving process?
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