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Have some issues with the wireless card and the Bluetooth on the ASUS laptop as neither of them are working, the device manager reports multiple error codes


Recently I started facing issues with my Intel Wireless-AC 9560 N/W Adapter. Its showing Yellow Triangle with Exclamation Mark in Device Manager under Network Devices. It is also showing CODE 10 in device status. In the system tray icon internet is showing as not connected. Bluetooth is also not showing up in device manager.

I've read that Windows 10 ver 1903 has a Bug which is causing this erratic dysfunctioning.

I'm able to install Intel drivers latest version 21.50.1 but unable to turn WiFi on.

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19 Replies
Super User

Contact asus for support with their laptop. And, if you believe Windows 10 is the problem, contact Microsoft.



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Hello SVemu3,


Were you able to check the previous post? 


Let me know if you need more assistance in case you do please provide the following information:


1. Intel® System Support Utility (Intel® SSU) 

  • Intel® SSU Download link 
  • Open the application and click on "Scan" to see the system and device information. By default, Intel® SSU will take you to the "Summary View". 
  • Click on the menu where it says "Summary" to change to "Detailed View". 
  • To save your scan, click on "Next", then "Save". 


Please answer the following questions:

Is this a new wireless card integration?

Did the issue start after a Windows update?


Adrian M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel

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Hello Adrian, Thanks for the response, its encouraging to see you respond positively. Yes, I checked the previous post and it was discouraging as it prompted me to reach out Manufacturer or MS Windows. 1. I'm attaching the SSUs Before & After Updating the Driver. One important thing I noticed when I turned on this system/laptop is the WiFi was showing as Connected for a brief ~3 minutes and again disconnected. In this few minutes I could download SSU. So I'm specifically mentioning it, hope it helps. Also I'm updating the driver and sending the SSU Detailed same as requested. 2. I'm also attaching screenshots of the Device Manager Status before and after driver update, if it helps. Its working momentarily after updating the driver but after I restart or wake up laptop then it goes into problematic state. Is that thing in RED under Device Manager-->USB Controllers related to this issue? I tried connecting thru USB TETHERING, but that's the SAMSUNG Mobile. Dunno what its related to. 3. BTW Bluetooth is also not showing in Device Manager. Though when I try to run the individually downloaded BT_21.40.0.64_Win 10 app from Intel website. This time I didn't run it as each time I run it, as I wanted to eliminate too many possibilities. Once n/w adapter is resolved then I can think of it. 4. This is a 4 month old brand new laptop (ASUS-Q536FD ZenBook) which came with Windows 10 pre-installed. I didn't install or touch any h/w or s/w until it started showing this peculiar problem in Device Manager-->N/W Adapter-->Intel Wireless-AC 9560 with a Yellow Bang/Exclamation Mark. And in the system tray its showing as No Internet (with Globe). 1. I guess it all started about 3 weeks ago with Windows Autoupdate silently in the background which I'm not aware. Since I didn't touch or meddle with anything as it was running fine. 2. Upon searching Internet and Microsoft site I stumbled upon this article https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/release-information/resolved-issues-windows-10-1903#338msgdesc which mentions about Intel and Broadcom Wireless adapters. I'm showing the same symptoms. But the article says its "resolved" and in my Windows Update History this KB4522355 is already installed in Quality Updates. Yet I'm facing this issue. Guess its on hold till mid-november, whatever it means? Excuse me for being so explicit in detailing above. Please feel free to let me know if you need any more information to get this problem sorted out. Regards, SVemu3 Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10
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Hello SVemu3,


Thank you for your answer.


In this case, you can try a clean wireless driver installation, you can follow the next steps:


Clean Installation of Wireless Drivers 


Step 1: Get the latest system-specific driver from your computer manufacturer support. 

Step 2: Uninstall your Wi-Fi driver. 


Windows* may have an inbox Wi-Fi driver for your wireless adapter. You can't uninstall an inbox driver (you won't see the "Delete the driver software for this device" option). Proceed to the next step if you start seeing the same version of the driver installed automatically after it’s uninstalled. 


  • Go to Device Manager. 
  • Expand the Network Adapters category. 
  • Right-click your Intel Wireless Adapter and choose to uninstall it. 
  • Make sure to select the option to Delete the driver software for this device. 
  • Restart your computer. 


Step 3: Driver installation. 

Locate the driver you downloaded back in Step 1. Run as administrator, and follow the wizard to completion. 


If the problem persists, it would be best to go back to your system manufacturer for driver downloads. If you are experiencing issues with, or have questions about, your computer system, the system manufacturer is the best source of support. 


  • Can you please attach to the thread the Intel® System Support Utility for Windows *? it seems it has not been attached to the thread.
  • Can you please confirm if this Intel® Wireless-AC 9560 a new integration on this laptop?




Adrian M. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

A Contingent Worker at Intel 

0 Kudos
* Can you please attach to the thread the Intel® System Support Utility for Windows *? it seems it has not been attached to the thread. Attached once again as requested. Sorry if I missed out earlier. * Can you please confirm if this Intel® Wireless-AC 9560 a new integration on this laptop? No, I didn’t install/integrate any hardware. It came by default with ASUS Q536FD. Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10
0 Kudos

Hello SVemu3,


Thank you for your answer.


  • Did you try the clean wireless driver installation?


If the issue persists please check the following information:


Note: We are still unable to see the report. This has to be attached directly to the thread when writing your answer.




Adrian M.

Intel Customer Support Technician 

A Contingent Worker at Intel

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posted a file.
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​did you fix the issue? would you please share how did you do that? I have exactly the same  problem with  "the intel wireless-ac9560 adapter is experiencing driver code 10)

ASUS zenbook q536fd wireless driver for windows 10

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hello AFaze1. I haven't been able to resolve this issue wrt AsusQ536FD-BI7T15. Intel was cooperative and helped me in vain as it was temporary. And the problem kept resurfacing each time depending on case scenarios mentioned as follows:

Case 1: When I turned on the laptop and logged in, the wireless connection would display connected and within seconds would disconnect. No amount of tweaking with drivers-reinstalling/deleting/clean install etc.. fetched no favourable result, simply put the problem persisted.

Case 2: Sometimes when the drivers get installed and the WiFi connection is established and when I leave the laptop on to avoid facing this recurring problem, laptop would go into sleep mode and when I wake/login again the problem resurfaced.

Case 3: When the WiFi is connected and running well, I also observed that when I unplug power supply when the battery is fully charged, this problem resurfaced. Or when WiFi is running/connected and battery is low and when I connect power supply the connection would go kaput.


The bottom line, Intel said contact Manufacturer as they were unable to figure out or resolve the issue. And when I reached ASUS support online, it redirected me to retailer (BestBuy) to reach out for support. When i reached out to BestBuy online, they asked me to visit personally. By virtue of my job i'm travelling internationally and stay put for unspecified amount of time, hence unable to reach in person locally (BestBuy). In the interim my warranty period will lapse. So I tried international warranty and they(ASUS) are not willing to honour and support their own product stating that this product is not supported for international warranty. It was not mentioned to me at the time of buying nor anywhere on website which products are supported for Intl Warr. But as per their own links below which they might remove/take down since i'm bringing it on global forums, for it (Intl Warranty) supports customer claim/stake .




After a lot of back and forth heated debates thru email communications with Asus disavowing their own product. Though initially they denied support on the grounds of International Warranty, but were willing to support me for one time as a goodwill gesture. At the moment for the past one month the laptop is lying with Authorised service center waiting for integrated mobo to be shipped/received.


I've learnt a lesson burning a hole in my pocket ($1500) not to buy Chinese, Taiwanese products/brands going forwards which do not have any regard/respect for the very customer on whom their sustenance is earmarked. I'm not someone who discriminates but i'm an early adopter who believes in giving chance to lesser known brands. But not every Manufacturer thinks like the customer in me.


Another reason for sharing my story is to let others know of my sufferings, who can also learn from my expensive and heartburning ASUS trip.

0 Kudos

Hi SVemu3 Thanks for the response , ​I am sorry to hear that , apparently I will be ended up at where you've gone through , A simple search in the internet show that many consumers like us suffering from INTEL malfunctioned driver , however what you said about Chinese and Taiwanese brands looks irrelevant , ive seen other US brands and manufacture also have the same issue (dell): https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/wifi-suddenly-stopped-working-on-my-laptop/e7d0d662-eeba-4be4-b5c8-621cac26f6cf so would call Intel and Microsoft responsible for this issue rather than Asus , Acer: https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/563349/intel-r-wireless-ac-9560-adapter-not-working-aspire-a715-72g. this Wireless-AC 9560 adapter NOT WORKING,  its NOT compatible with windows update. I would definitely let others know about how Intel driver works. maybe it helps others to look at the Intel wireless driver carefully before purchasing a laptop.

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I have done extensive research on this issue. reached out to MicroSoft also who have pathetic support teams (3rd parties) who are clueless about the issue and do not have any inclination to resolve. They just are there marketing you to buy support. Not to boast, I reached out to some technical friends who have support association and they claimed that MS (internal info) has more than 1000 tickets pending on similar issues and they would be coming with newer builds/releases/versions. I tried them only to confront new issues. So I fell back on ASUS original mfr os versions without/minus W10 updates only to face same WiFi problems. Not sure if its a Hardware (Intel Wireless-AC 9560) or ASUS Mobo or W10 OS problem?


Anyways the ASUS auth service engrs were as clueless as me. They just fooled around and said everything is ok. After I told them case scenarios to try, did they admit to facing this consistent problem resurfacing. Rather I was more learned and informative as a customer than them, otherwise they would have sent me back saying everything is fine, if I didn't do my groundwork properly.

0 Kudos

Hello SVemu3,


Thank you for your answer.


Did you try the clean wireless driver installation?


You might try to change the channel widths from auto to 20MHz.



  • Open device manager.
  • Click on network adapters.
  • Click on Intel® Wireless-AC 9560.
  • Select advanced then click on Channel width for 2.4GHz/Channel width for 5GHz change the value to 20MHz.


You may also try a hard shutdown as the last troubleshooting step.


If after all the steps suggested you still have issues, we recommend you contact the system manufacturer.




Adrian M.

Intel Customer Support Technician 

A Contingent Worker at Intel


0 Kudos

Hello SVemu3,


Were you able to check the previous post? 


Let me know if you need more assistance. 




Adrian M.

Intel Customer Support Technician 

A Contingent Worker at Intel



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​I have exactly the same issue and I did you explained above , I still have the same problem. is there any resolution found for this issue?


this is a brand new Asus lap top :

the intel wireless-ac9560 adapter is experiencing driver issue (Code 10)

zenbook q536fd wireless driver windows 10

I am so frustrated , trying to fix about a week now, I even install the OS from scratch , lost a lot of data,  whos responsible for this long running issue? Microsoft , intel, Asus? thanks for any help or suggestion to help us to fix the issue.


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I have the same issue, do you have solution?

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Somebody can help me, I have the same problems.

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Super User

Every user's situation is different. Please open your own conversation (using the Post a Question button on the main Intel Community page) to discuss your problem.

To speed things up, please download and run the Intel System Support Utility for Windows. Select all data categories, generate the report and then have the tool Save the report to a file. Don't try to use the Submit capability; it doesn't work. Finally, using the Drag and drop here or browse files to attach dialog below the edit box for the body of your response post, upload and attach this file to the response post.


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this is attachment


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Super User

Attach those files to the separate conversation that you open for your problem. We will NOT address your issues here; this is someone else's conversation regarding their problem (not yours).


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