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Killer Software Update


The Intel update tool tells me the there are Wifi and Ethernet driver updates along with the Intel® Killer™ Performance Suite (which should have all the drivers).

I installed the said version but theI Intel updater tells me that there are still updates. Trying to install the suite again end in the installer asking me if I want to uninstall the installed version.

Ok. Let'ts take the drivers from here the Dell update site

Wifi driver ok, Ethernet driver comes along with the Ethernet suite which is incompatible with the generel Killer performance suite.

Used a Killer uninstaller to get rid of everything, restarted the computer and tried the performance suite again. Intel updater keeps telling me that there are newer drivers and the my software is not up to date.


Maybe related to an error from the Windows store.

Part of the whole thing is the Killer Controll Center

Can'T be installed because of a 0x803FB005 error.

What should I do?

The drivers from Dell are the wrong or older ones and incompatible with the performance suite and for whatever reason the Killer Control Center cant be installed.


Next I uninstalled every network driver until only the standard one from Microsoft were left.

Installed the Killer suite but nothing changed. MS driver in place, no newer driver to choose from.


Donwloaded the driver packages from Dell and instead of installing them (as they come along with the wrong Killer suites) extracted the packages and installed the drivers from the folder via device manager.

Now I have a E3000 Ethernet driver from Killer in place

The AX1650 driver is from intel though.


The control center can't be installed with the same error.

Tried via appx file and this error came up:

RivetNetworks.KillerControlCenter_3.1624.813.0_x64__rh07ty8m5nkag kann von Windows nicht installiert werden, da es von einem Gerätetreiber abhängt, der nicht gefunden werden konnte. Einer der folgenden Gerätetreiber muss installiert sein: {[Intel_Corporation-KillerNetworkComponent.inf, 3.1624.813.0]} (0x80073cfd)

in English:  Intel Cooperation Killer Network Component must be installed.


Gosh. The drivers are in place.


Tried the hint here to no avail as well


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4 Replies

PS.: Uninstalled all network divers again via the device manager until only the standard ones from Microsoft were left and Installed the Killer Suite with the driver only option. Afterwards no newer drivers were found. Only the one from Microsoft.

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Tried to install another version but the app can't be installed as well

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the latest version KillerPerformanceSuite_36.24.12162_Win10-11x64 doesn't do sh#t as well.

no drivers are installed.

had the device manager opened during installation. nothing happened there.

checked afterwards. same drivers as before.

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Through a driver updater tool I was able to get my Kille WiFi Driver to but can't install the Control Center app anyhow.

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