Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16663 Discussions

multicycle path for relaxing design

Honored Contributor II



I want to use a multicycle path timing constraint (Synopsys Design Constraint), which relaxes the setup and hold relationships between a pseudo domain clock crossing. I use divided clocks. The operations which are clocked by a slower clock will have more available time so there will be no more critical paths in this operations. 



Is Quartus or other Tools able to reduce the area of such multicycle designs? 

Or did I forget something in the SDC file or in Quartus or did I wrote wrong code? 


Does the multicycle constraint have any effects on the synthesis?  

"Synplifiy says": "It is important to specify which paths are multicycle to avoid having the Quartus II and the Synplify compilers work excessively on a non-critical path. " 


I'm wondering If the compilers are intelligent enough to serialize complex parallel operations in the "multicycle process" for shrinking area requirements or for sharing the ressources. 




If I specify a SDC file with a multicycle path constraint I recognized no differences between the synthesis of the following code towards the version without the constraint. 


set_multicycle_path -setup -end -from [get_clocks {clk80}] -to [get_registers {relaxed_component:rlx_cmp|result[0] ... ... relaxed_component:rlx_cmp|result[29] relaxed_component:rlx_cmp|result[30]}] 10 


entity relaxed_component is port ( ... operand_1 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0); operand_2 : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0); ... result : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 DOWNTO 0) ); end entity relaxed_component ; architecture .... op:process(clk, reset) type states is (idle, compute); variable state : states; variable a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i : signed(15 downto 0); begin if (reset = '1') then a := X"0000"; b := X"0000"; c := X"0000"; d := X"0000"; e := X"0000"; f := X"0000"; g := X"0000"; h := X"0000"; i := X"0000"; ack <= '0'; result <= X"00000000"; state := idle; elsif (clk80'event and clk80 ='1') then if (ena = '1') then ack <= '0'; case state is when idle => if (req = '1') then state := compute; result <= X"00000000"; end if; when compute => a := signed(operand_1); b := signed(operand_2); c := signed(operand_1) + signed(operand_2); d := signed(operand_1) - signed(operand_2); e := signed(operand_1) mod signed(operand_2); f := signed(operand_2) mod signed(operand_1); g := signed(operand_1) / signed(operand_2); h := signed(operand_1(7 downto 0)) * signed(operand_2(7 downto 0)); i := signed(operand_1) and signed(operand_2); a := i; b := h; c := g + f; d := e - d; e := c mod b; f := a mod i; g := h / a; h := g(7 downto 0) * e(7 downto 0); i := d and c; a := b; b := a; c := i + h; d := g - f; e := e mod d; f := c mod a; g := i / h; h := g(7 downto 0) * f(7 downto 0); i := e and d; a := c; b := h; c := b + a; d := h - i; e := g mod f; f := e mod d; g := c / b; h := g(7 downto 0) * a(7 downto 0); i := d and c; result <= std_logic_vector((a and b) + (c or d) + (e or f) - (g mod h) * i); state := idle; ack <= '1'; end case; --end if; end if; end process; end behavior;  



I'm searching for Literature about design of components with divided clocks. The communication between the components isn't as easy as I thought.  



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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Quartus integrated synthesis does not make use of timing constraints. However, setting "Optimization Technique" to "Balanced" might still give you a good combination of area and speed. 


The Fitter does use timing constraints. Using the multicycle exceptions will let the Fitter know it does not have to work as hard on the paths with the relaxed requirements. That is probably what the Synplify documentation was referring to for Quartus. Multicycle exceptions can let the Fitter focus its effort on the paths that truly are most critical. If you are using physical synthesis, that could prevent the Fitter from needlessly duplicating logic for these paths.
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