Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

Quartus II

Honored Contributor II


In the Max+Plus II to find the next Node i was using the left mouse click on the node => fine node source/destination. how can i perform this action in the Quartus II?:p
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

If I remember correctly, you're talking about locating from a timing path to the floorplan in Max+Plus II, correct? 


Quartus has much more cross-probing capabilities, see: 


So if looking at a timing path in your Compilation Report, you can right-click and Locate to the Timing Closure Floorplanner or the Chip Planner(similar floorplans, and I think these two are being merged.) You can also do a List Path, which will give you textual, line-by-line information of your critical path. From here, you can right click and list the whole path, or right click on an individual line/node and Right-Click, Locate to a floorplanner, to see an individual node. 


Once you're in the floorplanner, go under View -> Equations is turned on. This will open a 3-panel window on the bottom of your floorplanner. The midle panel shows what you have highlighted, and the left and right panels show what the fan-in and fan-out of the middle panel is. You can use this for maneuvering. For example, if you have a node in the middle panel and the fan-out shows 50 nodes that it fans out to, you can highlight 1, 10, or all of the nodes and then click on the Go To-> button, and it will jump to those highlighted nodes. If you hit the <-Go To button, it will jump back to the node you were previously on(unless you specifically highlight something different from the left panel). 


There's a lot more power here, but it takes a few minutes to get used to.
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