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EMON-style output and Time-stamp counter values in VTune windows

I had two questions about VTune on Windows I am using VTune 9.1 on Windows XP and Win7 :
1. I wanted to know if it is possible to dump EMON-style output from the VTune sampling collector on Windows. It seems that this can be done on the EBS sampling collector on linux for MIDs. Is such a feature available on VTune windows?
2. Is it possible to record time-stamp counter values during event-based sampling? In addition to Clockticks I also want to log TSC since ClockTicks events do not occur when the core is in HLT state.
Thanks in advance for your help.

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2 Replies
Quoting - syardi
I had two questions about VTune on Windows I am using VTune 9.1 on Windows XP and Win7 :
1. I wanted to know if it is possible to dump EMON-style output from the VTune sampling collector on Windows. It seems that this can be done on the EBS sampling collector on linux for MIDs. Is such a feature available on VTune windows?
2. Is it possible to record time-stamp counter values during event-based sampling? In addition to Clockticks I also want to log TSC since ClockTicks events do not occur when the core is in HLT state.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Hello Shri,

1. Actually VTuneTMPerformance Analyzer can export performance data annotated with source code. But I guess that you may need other format - I suggest you to do:

1)Use "FilePack and go" to export your project to .vxp file

2) In command prompt, use "vtl unpack your_file.vxp" so you can use "vtl show" to know new activity data inserted to vtune default project. You can use "vtl show" to verify.

3) Use "vtl view a?::r? -processes" to know your app's process id.

4) Use "vtl view -pid xxx -ha - mn module_name" to display hot addresses (with function name) in your module.

2. I don't think that VTuneTM Analyzer can provide exact time-stamp info with samples. However you can use Sampling Overtime (SOT) to filter results based on your preferring time period.

Regards, Peter

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Quoting - syardi
I had two questions about VTune on Windows I am using VTune 9.1 on Windows XP and Win7 :
1. I wanted to know if it is possible to dump EMON-style output from the VTune sampling collector on Windows. It seems that this can be done on the EBS sampling collector on linux for MIDs. Is such a feature available on VTune windows?
2. Is it possible to record time-stamp counter values during event-based sampling? In addition to Clockticks I also want to log TSC since ClockTicks events do not occur when the core is in HLT state.
Thanks in advance for your help.


Concerning your first question, I have to say that VTune does not officially support the counting mode. However, you might nevertheless be interested in looking into the program dsep.exe that resides in the VTune directory. Some basic description is given with "dsep -help". As this is part of the VTune internals, its existence or behaviour might change with future releases of VTune without further notice.

Kind regards
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