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Error: 0x40000025 (Inapplicable report), 0x40000024 (No data) -- No data is collected.



When I run gobmk, it occurs error at last, does anyone knows this? it said:

runspec finished at Mon Sep 26 11:51:23 2016; 309 total seconds elapsed
amplxe: Collection stopped.
amplxe: Using result path `/home/foo/intel/MyAmplifierProjects/intel_test3/gobmk'
amplxe: Executing actions  0 %                                                 
amplxe: Warning: The result contains a lot of raw data. Finalization may take a long time to complete.
amplxe: Executing actions 14 % Loading '' file    
amplxe: Error: Cannot load data file `/home/foo/intel/MyAmplifierProjects/intel_test3/gobmk/data.0/sep7fef03fe8700.20160926T103410.1506640.tb7' ().
amplxe: Error: Cannot load data file `/home/foo/intel/MyAmplifierProjects/intel_test3/gobmk/data.0/sep7fef03fe8700.20160926T103919.8394251.tb7' ().
amplxe: Error: Cannot load data file `/home/foo/intel/MyAmplifierProjects/intel_test3/gobmk/data.0/sep7fef03fe8700.20160926T104429.9108762.tb7' ().
amplxe: Error: Cannot load data file `/home/foo/intel/MyAmplifierProjects/intel_test3/gobmk/data.0/sep7fef03fe8700.20160926T104939.4509173.tb7' ().
amplxe: Error: Cannot load data file `/home/foo/intel/MyAmplifierProjects/intel_test3/gobmk/data.0/sep7fef03fe8700.20160926T105449.0449694.tb7' ().
amplxe: Error: Cannot load data file `/home/foo/intel/MyAmplifierProjects/intel_test3/gobmk/data.0/sep7fef03fe8700.20160926T105959.3802145.tb7' ().
amplxe: Error: Cannot load data file `/home/foo/intel/MyAmplifierProjects/intel_test3/gobmk/data.0/sep7fef03fe8700.20160926T114614.7910236.tb7' ().
amplxe: Executing actions 100 % done                                           
amplxe: Error: 0x40000025 (Inapplicable report) -- The report 'summary' is not applicable to the result /home/foo/intel/MyAmplifierProjects/intel_test3/gobmk/gobmk.amplxe.
amplxe: Using result path `/home/foo/intel/MyAmplifierProjects/intel_test3/gobmk'
amplxe: Executing actions  0 % done                                            
amplxe: Error: 0x40000024 (No data) -- No data is collected. Possible reasons:
 - Workload is too small. No samples are collected.
 - The application environment is not specified correctly.





But it runs others like astar, it works well.

Thank you.

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6 Replies


It looks like sampling collection trace is incomplete or broken since it cannot be loaded.

Several questions to have more details:

Is it 100% reproducible?

Do you have enough disk space for the trace? Please note that the elapsed time is quite substantial. You can try to limit the collection result size with a particular value using -data-limit collection option to check if it can be a potential reason.

Could you please provide VTune command line that you used?

What VTune version did you use?

Thanks & Regards, Dmitry



0 Kudos

dmitry-prohorov (Intel) wrote:


It looks like sampling collection trace is incomplete or broken since it cannot be loaded.

Several questions to have more details:

Is it 100% reproducible?

Do you have enough disk space for the trace? Please note that the elapsed time is quite substantial. You can try to limit the collection result size with a particular value using -data-limit collection option to check if it can be a potential reason.

Could you please provide VTune command line that you used?

What VTune version did you use?

Thanks & Regards, Dmitry


Hi Dmitry,

Thank you for this reply. this is the command line I use:

/opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2016/bin64/amplxe-cl --collect newtest -follow-child -target-duration-type=short -allow-multiple-runs -no-analyze-system -data-limit=100 -result-dir=/home/foo/intel/MyAmplifierProjects/intel_test3/gobmk  -- /home/foo/SPEC/QUN/SPEC/cpu2006/scripts/rungobmk
/opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2016/bin64/amplxe-cl -report summary -format csv -result-dir=/home/foo/intel/MyAmplifierProjects/intel_test3/gobmk > /home/foo/intel/MyAmplifierProjects/intel_test3/gobmk.csv

The vtune version is 2016 update4.

Thank you.

0 Kudos

Hello Kevin,

I would advise to have either -allow-multiple-runs option or -data-limit option in your command line.

Since your application is 300s of elapsed time and data limit is 100MB it most likely triggered on the first run and in this case VTune has some unexpected behavior (we will look at this). The data limit (if triggered) will anyway not allow you to collect statistics for events in all groups and this can be misleading.

Thanks & Regards, Dmitry


0 Kudos

dmitry-prohorov (Intel) wrote:

Hello Kevin,

I would advise to have either -allow-multiple-runs option or -data-limit option in your command line.

Since your application is 300s of elapsed time and data limit is 100MB it most likely triggered on the first run and in this case VTune has some unexpected behavior (we will look at this). The data limit (if triggered) will anyway not allow you to collect statistics for events in all groups and this can be misleading.

Thanks & Regards, Dmitry



Hi Dmitry,

I have removed -data-limit option and testing.

Thank you.

0 Kudos

dmitry-prohorov (Intel) wrote:

Hello Kevin,

I would advise to have either -allow-multiple-runs option or -data-limit option in your command line.

Since your application is 300s of elapsed time and data limit is 100MB it most likely triggered on the first run and in this case VTune has some unexpected behavior (we will look at this). The data limit (if triggered) will anyway not allow you to collect statistics for events in all groups and this can be misleading.

Thanks & Regards, Dmitry



Hi Dmitry,

I got the result, thank you so much for your help.

Have a great night.

0 Kudos

dmitry-prohorov (Intel) wrote:

Hello Kevin,

I would advise to have either -allow-multiple-runs option or -data-limit option in your command line.

Since your application is 300s of elapsed time and data limit is 100MB it most likely triggered on the first run and in this case VTune has some unexpected behavior (we will look at this). The data limit (if triggered) will anyway not allow you to collect statistics for events in all groups and this can be misleading.

Thanks & Regards, Dmitry



Hi Dmitry,

I have achieved the results, but I do not know how is going on with it, because the results seems like not correct, for example, I have tested the SPEC CIN2006 BENCHMARK like ASTAR and BZIP2, the results of INST_RETIRED.ANY and INST_RETIRED.ANY_P should be same or similar, but in my results, they are not same. So, do you know what is this problem? or how to explain this if correct.



Thank you.


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