Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
5167 Discussions

Error when loading with insmod-sep on Debian Buster AMD64


I have the following error when trying to load sep module with insmod-sep command :


--------------------- Loading PAX driver ---------------------
Checking for PMU arbitration service (PAX) ... not detected.
Attempting to start PAX service ...
Executing: insmod ./pax/pax-x32_64-4.19.0-18-amd64smp.ko
Setting group ownership of devices to group "vtune" ... done.
Setting file permissions on devices to "660" ... done.
The pax driver has been successfully loaded.

--------------------- Loading SOCPERF driver ---------------------
Checking for socperf driver ... not detected.
Attempting to start socperf service ...
Executing: insmod ./socperf/src/socperf3-x32_64-4.19.0-18-amd64smp.ko
Setting group ownership of devices to group "vtune" ... done.
Setting file permissions on devices to "660" ... done.
The socperf3 driver has been successfully loaded.

--------------------- Loading SEP driver ---------------------
Executing: insmod ./sep5-x32_64-4.19.0-18-amd64smp.ko
Setting group ownership of devices to group "vtune" ... done.
Setting file permissions on devices to "660" ... done.
The sep5 driver has been successfully loaded.

--------------------- Loading VTSSPP driver ---------------------
Checking for vtsspp driver ... not detected.
Executing: insmod ./vtsspp/vtsspp-x32_64-4.19.0-18-amd64smp.ko gid=1001 mode=0660 ksyms="ffffffff8a513710"
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module ./vtsspp/vtsspp-x32_64-4.19.0-18-amd64smp.ko: Invalid parameters

Error: vtsspp driver failed to load!

You may need to build vtsspp driver for your kernel.
Please see the vtsspp driver README for instructions.

--------------------- Loading SOCWATCH driver ---------------------
Checking for socwatch driver ... not detected.
./socwatch/insmod-socwatch: 312: [: ./socwatch/drivers/socwatch2_15.ko: unexpected operator

Executing: insmod ./socwatch/drivers/socwatch2_15.ko

Setting group ownership of device file to group "vtune" ... done.
Setting file permissions of device file to "660" ... done.

The socwatch driver has been successfully loaded.


The driver is accessible only to users under the group vtune.
Please add the users to the group 'vtune' to use the tool.

To change driver access group, reinstall the driver using -g <desired_group> option.

The driver is accessible only to users under the group vtune.
Please add the users to the group vtune to use the tool.

To change driver access group, reload the driver using -g <desired_group> option.



How to fix this error ? I am on Debian 10 buster 4.19.0-18-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.208-1 (2021-09-29) x86_64 GNU/Linux


Best regards


Best regards


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