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Locked out by Vtune after crash


The machine I was running a VTune activity crashed due to other issues. It was rebooted. When I nowattempt to run VTune via the command line, I get this message:

(grid10) /work/vtune 6 > vtl show -all

VTune Performance Analyzer 9.0 for Linux*

Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

The project is already open and cannot be used. Another VTune Performance Environment session has opened it.

The ActivityController says that I am not running any activities.

Unfortunately the link provided in past responses about this problen is now dead:

What to do next? Note that rebooting the Itanium is not an option.

Thank you for any help!


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4 Replies
Honored Contributor III
Find and kill open processes from your failed job, such as vtl processes. If necessary, run rmmod-vtune and insmod-vtune (in the VTune installation).
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Tim, Since machine crash and rebooted, there were no vtl or related processes...but I double-checked. Ran the rmmod-vtune and insmod-vtune but still same result. I moved my ~/VTune project directory to another location (i.e. essentially deleted the project, according to VTune), and now I can run. Any suggestions on what files fix/delete in the directories to recover this data, or is there some documentation on the file formats and usage so that I can debug this myself? Would like to recover the project since it took about 1 machine-week of runtime to generate the data...
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Honored Contributor III
Since you said you didn't want to reboot, I assumed your old processes might still be running. I have run into the requirement to blow away old projects myself, even though that shouldn't happen. Many of us try to limit data collection to a segment of a run of not more than 5 minutes, so as not to spend too much time collecting data which wont' last long.
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Sorry, should have been clearer -- the crash excited an issue we have with automount that locked up the whole machine -- needed to reboot. I can rerun the data pretty easily -- just need to push out the schedule a bit...! Thanks for advice...unfortunately, the 5 minute time-limit wouldn't even get me past most of the init code. I have tried using the -moi option to be more specific -- but it returns null results if I specify anything other than the top application. Still learning my way around VTune so not sure if it's user error -- will post questions if I can't figure it out..
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