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Sync object reported with high wait count and time but never seems to be created

I am currently evaluating Amplifier XE and have come across a curious thing after running both Hotspots andLocks And Waits analyses on my C++ executable (Release build, Visual Studio 2008).

Both analyses are reporting a certainstd::deque-derived (from the Microsoft STL libraries)object, but that object (nor the objects it contains) does not appear to actually be created anywhere (as determined by setting breakpoints onthe relevant constructors).

When I comment out all code having to do with the object (not a viable, long-term option since it is needed under certain circumstances), the reference in the analyses does go away.

Since this object reportedly is contributing a large number to both the wait count and the wait time, I'd like to prevent its creation when not needed.
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2 Replies
New Contributor II


By default the Call Stack Mode is set to Only user functions. In this case, try changing the Call Stack Mode to User / system functions or User functions +1 then analyze the call sequence to see if you can obtain additional detail. Each row in the stack represents a function that called the function in the row above it. Functions in grey font color represent system functions. When the call stack mode on the filter toolbar is set to Only user functions, the system functions are shown at the bottom of the stack. When set to User/system functions, the system functions are shown in the correct location, according to the call sequence.

If the behavior persists, can you provide an example that can be compiled to work with?

Intel Support

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Thanks for the reply. I will look into your suggestions and report back what I find.

Updating on 02/28/2011:

Changing the Call Stack Mode did nothing to the reported sync objects. I am attempting - as time permits - to provide a smaller test case illustrating the issue I am seeing.
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