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Tuutorial Questions


I have run the tutorial in gui moode. I do have two questions:

1. The nqueens-advisor program has source, binary files but no input and output files. My program doed have input and output files. I can handle that on the command line, how do I handle it in the gui. I am guessing it has something to do with project properites.

2. I want to use some other parallel compilers than tbb and cilk namely my own or other commercial compilers. There is a choice for oher in the framework drop down menu, but I am thinking that there must be more to it than that. How does it know anything about my parallel compiler? It must integrate into Intel Advisor xe 2013.

Any help appreciated. Thanjks in advance.



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10 Replies
Hello Newport_j, I am researching your question and will post a response shortly. Thank you for your patience. Intel Developer Support
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I need to ask the last question again. I need to run some other compilers on Intel Advsiir xe 2013. I mean something other than CILK and TBB. I guess that requires the other option when one selects the drop down menu. There is a choice of "other", but I believe that somehow one must integrate the selected compiler into Intel Advisor for it to work. How do I do that? Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance. Newport_j
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I need to ask the first question again. I ran the tutorial progrm that, nqueens advisor, thta has no input or output files in it. However, my program does have them. So how do I make them part of the project properties. Do I even have to make them part of the project properites? Will the program when running as project find the input and output files on it own; must I tell it where they are? Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance. Newport_j . Any help appreciated. Newporrt_j
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I need to ask the first question again. I ran the tutorial progrm that, nqueens advisor, thta has no input or output files in it. However, my program does have them. So how do I make them part of the project properties. Do I even have to make them part of the project properites? Will the program when running as project find the input and output files on it own; must I tell it where they are? Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance. Newport_j . Any help appreciated. Newporrt_j
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I need to ask the first question again. I ran the tutorial progrm that, nqueens advisor, thta has no input or output files in it. However, my program does have them. So how do I make them part of the project properties. Do I even have to make them part of the project properites? Will the program when running as project find the input and output files on it own; must I tell it where they are? Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance. Newport_j . Any help appreciated. Newporrt_j
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Hello Newport_j, If I understood your question right, you can pass arguments to your program from the command line when you run it. To do this in the Standalone Intel(R) Advisor XE GUI, please open the Project Properties and then add the arguments to your program in the "Application Parameters" field right below the "Application" field. You can set the application parameters differently for Survey/Suitability Analysis and Correctness Analysis (to do this, please select the right pull down menu option in "Target type" in the same Project Properties form). Hope it helps. Intel Developer Support
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Hello Newport_j, If you referring to the options in the pulldown menu titled "Threading Model" in the "Suitability Report", then the options listed (other than "other") are the ones that Intel(R) Advisor XE 2013 accounts for in its calculations in the suitability tab. These are threading models which when selected, are accounted for in the calculations in the "Suitability Report". So, selecting a different threading model from the pull down menu may have an impact on the "Maximum Site Gain" and its scalability numbers, for instance. Please note that Intel(R) Advisor XE does not recognize threading model APIs as annotations, it just ignores them if they are in the code already. Only Intel(R) Advisor XE annotations are used to calculate various metrics in the Suitability report. Regarding compilers, you can use either Intel(R) Composer XE or Microsoft* compilers or any other platform ABI compliant compilers without issue. If I misunderstood your question, please clarify your question in greater detail. Specifically, "framework dropdown menu" - in which tab/context does it appear? Hope it helps. Intel Developer Support
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I saw a video presentation on Youtube that discussed Intel Advisor xe 2013 at Berkeley. The question was asked about other compilers that Cilk, TBB, etc. I think the questioner ment just about any Linux c/c++ compiler he was not specific. I realy do not think thta Microsft makes a c/c++ compiler for Linux. I just have not seen one. Can I use this Advisor XE on something other than Cilk, TBB? Thanks in advance. Newport_j
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Hello Newport_j, >> Can I use this Advisor XE on something other than Cilk, TBB? Certainly. Use of Cilk/TBB or any other threading paradigm comes as a last step in the Intel(R) Advisor XE 2013 workflow. Once you discover suitable parallelization opportunities within your program, you are welcome to incorporate any threading paradigm of your chosing. The suitability projections within the pulldown menu titled "Threading Model" in the "Suitability Report", are however limited. They serve to give you an idea about the projections for the listed threading paradigms. Hope it helps. Intel Developer Support
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