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Unable to run Microarchitecture Exploration




VTune: intel-oneapi-vtune-2024.0.0-49490.x86_64.rpm

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10980XE CPU @ 3.00GHz

OS: Rocky 8.8

Kernel: 4.18.0


$ ./insmod-sep -q
pax driver is loaded and owned by group "developer" with file permissions "660".
socperf3 driver is loaded and owned by group "developer" with file permissions "660".
sep5 driver is loaded and owned by group "developer" with file permissions "660".socwatch2_15 driver is loaded and owned by group "developer" with file permissions "660".

vtsspp driver is loaded and owned by group "developer" with file permissions "660".



Intel(R) VTune(TM) Profiler Self Check Utility
Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Build Number: 626834

HW event-based analysis (counting mode) (Intel driver)
Example of analysis types: Performance Snapshot
Collection: Ok
Finalization: Ok...
Report: Ok

Instrumentation based analysis check
Example of analysis types: Hotspots and Threading with user-mode sampling
Collection: Ok
Finalization: Ok...
Report: Ok

HW event-based analysis check (Intel driver)
Example of analysis types: Hotspots with HW event-based sampling, HPC Performance Characterization, etc.
Collection: Ok
Finalization: Ok...
Report: Fail
vtune: Error: 0x40000024 (No data) -- No data is collected. Possible reasons:
- Workload is too small. No samples are collected.
- The application environment is not specified correctly.
- The executable file has been stripped so cannot be profiled with algorithm analysis types.
See the Troubleshooting help topic for more details.
Also consider checking the collection log for additional information.

HW event-based analysis check (Intel driver)
Example of analysis types: Microarchitecture Exploration
Collection: Ok
Finalization: Ok...
vtune: Warning: Function and source-level analysis for the Linux kernel will not be possible since neither debug version of the kernel nor kernel symbol tables are found. See the Enabling Linux Kernel Analysis topic in the product online help for instructions.

Report: Fail

HW event-based analysis with uncore events (Intel driver)
Example of analysis types: Memory Access
Collection: Ok
Finalization: Ok...
vtune: Warning: Function and source-level analysis for the Linux kernel will not be possible since neither debug version of the kernel nor kernel symbol tables are found. See the Enabling Linux Kernel Analysis topic in the product online help for instructions.

Report: Fail

HW event-based analysis with stacks (Intel driver)
Example of analysis types: Hotspots with HW event-based sampling and call stacks
Collection: Ok
Finalization: Ok...
vtune: Warning: Function and source-level analysis for the Linux kernel will not be possible since neither debug version of the kernel nor kernel symbol tables are found. See the Enabling Linux Kernel Analysis topic in the product online help for instructions.

Report: Ok

HW event-based analysis with context switches (Intel driver)
Example of analysis types: Threading with HW event-based sampling
Collection: Ok
Finalization: Ok...
vtune: Warning: Function and source-level analysis for the Linux kernel will not be possible since neither debug version of the kernel nor kernel symbol tables are found. See the Enabling Linux Kernel Analysis topic in the product online help for instructions.

Report: Ok

Checking DPC++ application as prerequisite for GPU analyses: Fail
Unable to run DPC++ application on GPU connected to this system. If you are using an Intel GPU and want to verify profiling support for DPC++ applications, check these requirements:
* Install Intel(R) GPU driver.
* Install Intel(R) Level Zero GPU runtime.
* Install Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++ Runtime and set the environment.

The check observed a product failure on your system.
Review errors in the output above to fix a problem or contact Intel technical support.

The system is ready for the following analyses:
* Performance Snapshot
* Hotspots and Threading with user-mode sampling
* Hotspots with HW event-based sampling and call stacks
* Threading with HW event-based sampling

The following analyses have failed on the system:
* Hotspots with HW event-based sampling, HPC Performance Characterization, etc.
* Microarchitecture Exploration
* Memory Access
* GPU Compute/Media Hotspots (characterization mode)
* GPU Compute/Media Hotspots (source analysis mode)


See attachment for log.

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3 Replies

From the log,  it looks like the uarch-exploration collection and finalization are all successful, just the report failed.  So I think you can try with uarch-exploaration analysis type to capture VTune data first.

You can use the latest VTune release 2024.1 to try.




0 Kudos

What does "try with uarch-exploaration analysis type to capture VTune data first" means? The screenshot is the result, nothing showed. 

0 Kudos

You can try with the below command line to capture uarch VTune data and share the VTune data with me.

$ vtune -collect uarch-exploration  -- /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/2024.0/samples/en/C++/matrix/matrix

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