Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
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disappointing first impression: VTune hijacked my eclipse workspace


I installed VTune, started it with vtlec. It prompted whether I wanted to use the Eclipse workspace I am using for my other Eclipse projects. Foolishly, I hit yes.

The first error message said that it could not restore the workspace. Upon existing and restarting, this error message disappeared. Concerned, I checked whether my regular eclipse still works. The first attempt to start it said, again, that it could not restore the workspace, indicating some vtune libraries are missing.

Subsequently, whenever I start "eclipse" (/usr/bin/eclipse, part of the eclipse-platform 3.2.1 CentOS 5.3 package I have installed), I'm being thrown into the "VTune(VM) Performance Tools - Eclipse SDK" environment - this is what's shown in the title.

Looking at the documentation, there is no warning that VTune will "take over' whichever workspace it was first started in.

I would like to use VTune, but can't afford having it contaminate my workspace I use for other projects. Is there a way for VTune and regular Eclipse to coexist, perhaps in different workspaces? At the very least, how do I remove VTune from this workspace so I get regular Eclipse back?


- Godmar

ps: also, this link in the documentation is broken: in file:///opt/intel/vtune/doc/users_guide/pm_hh/troubleshooting_activities.htm
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3 Replies
Quoting -

I installed VTune, started it with vtlec. It prompted whether I wanted to use the Eclipse workspace I am using for my other Eclipse projects. Foolishly, I hit yes.

The first error message said that it could not restore the workspace. Upon existing and restarting, this error message disappeared. Concerned, I checked whether my regular eclipse still works. The first attempt to start it said, again, that it could not restore the workspace, indicating some vtune libraries are missing.

Subsequently, whenever I start "eclipse" (/usr/bin/eclipse, part of the eclipse-platform 3.2.1 CentOS 5.3 package I have installed), I'm being thrown into the "VTune(VM) Performance Tools - Eclipse SDK" environment - this is what's shown in the title.

Looking at the documentation, there is no warning that VTune will "take over' whichever workspace it was first started in.

I would like to use VTune, but can't afford having it contaminate my workspace I use for other projects. Is there a way for VTune and regular Eclipse to coexist, perhaps in different workspaces? At the very least, how do I remove VTune from this workspace so I get regular Eclipse back?


- Godmar

ps: also, this link in the documentation is broken: in file:///opt/intel/vtune/doc/users_guide/pm_hh/troubleshooting_activities.htm

Hi Godmar,

I have experienced such problem before, but I think it gets better if you are using VTune Performance Analyzer for Linux 9.1 Update 2.

VTune Analyzer uses default work space at $(USER)/workspace to start-up. Howeversometime vtlec failed since it can't recognize the data under workspace- reasonsmight be a) VTune Analyzer exited abnormally; b) Other users are running VTune Analyzer at same time to cause conflicts; c) Someone changed contents under $(USER)/workspace, etc

There areseveral ways toresolve this problem:
1. The user can run vtlec under other directory if has write-permission, such as /tmp
2.The usercan get data (result) file (.tb5 file or .prf file) from $(USER)/workspace/Project1/, then open data file on vtlec
3. The user canopen Project1.vpj under $(USER)/workspace/Project1/ on vtlec (Activities Configure)
4. If the user still wants to use destroyed workspace, the user can manually delete all files under $(USER)/workspace, thenrun vtlec

I recommendto save users databy using "Pack and go" before exiting vtlec.

I recommend to use deafult Eclipse* come with VTune Analyzer. If the user wants to use their Eclipse*, pleasedo
1) export OTHER_ECLIPSE_BIN=Eclipse binary file
Note: users Eclipse* version has not been fully tested, so it is not supported.

Regards, Peter

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Also, check out the menu item Window -> Open Perspective.

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So it seems it works fine now.
I am just using different workspace folder than my eclipse 3.5.0.
The version of Eclipse shown in Vtune 9.1 is 3.2.1 somehow.

Thanks for help.
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