Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
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dll path and debug settings

Honored Contributor III

Apparently it's not reliable to use upgrade in place installation of Intel Windows software tools

After removing all Intel tools, with the help of Special Uninstaller, and re-installing XE2015 update compilers plus the beta parallel studio:

Advisor refuses to run the test app unless I copy libiomp5md.dll to the working directory.  Is this normal?  I have a test application which also uses cilkrts, but that doesn't exhibit the same problem.  Yes, I'm aware of issues when using both libiomp and cilkrts.  Among other things, I set CILK_NWORKERS to 1 less than number of hyperthreads, OMP_NUM_THREADS to number of physical cores, and OMP_PROC_BIND=spread, while of course not using both threading models in the same functions nor simultaneously.

I understand that Advisor wants /debug:inline_debug_info along with /O3.  Those options give me the compile warnings about cutting back from Zi to Z7. Apparently /debug is seen as /Zi (either of those give the same message).  Those don't seem to be indicative of any problem.  I tried the online suggestion about editing the tools file in Visual Studio but it had no effect.

I've tested with Visual Studio 2012/13/15 and both 2015 and 2016 compilers, don't see any differences except for the need to open separate Visual Studio command window to build objects with Visual Studio 2015 CL.  I have no immediate need to use 2015 so that isn't much of a problem.

Advisor analysis looks interesting and I hope to demonstrate to a new customer.

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4 Replies


Hi Tim!

I'd actually recommend you try our Advisor XE 2016 beta. We have recently added Vectorization Advisor to Intel Advisor XE.

As to your question as to needing to copy the libiomp5md.dll  to the working directory... my understanding is that Advisor just needs to same environment to be present that the app requires without Advisor. If you bring up a windows cmd shell can you run the app without having the library in the working directory? Do would need to run a bat script before you run it? Is so then I would launch advisor from that cmd window.

Advisor does not require O3 you can use O2 as well.



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Honored Contributor III

If there is a command line invocation for advisor, of course it could take advantage of the PATH setting in the compiler command window.  It does seem to have by default some of the compiler .dll PATH settings.  It seems a little awkward to type in additions to the PATH in the setup screen, in addition to needed environment variables like OMP_NUM_THREADS, OMP_PROC_BIND, CILK_NWORKERS, but I'll try it, unless the recommended policy is to use a .bat file.

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I would either launch the advisor xe gui from the windows cmd shell that had the correct environment or you could add the environment variables to you project properties.

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Honored Contributor III
I had a beta advisor install which reported update 2 but worked only with intel 15.0 compilers. Upon removing it, I got caught in the situation where both update 1 and update 2 install failed saying it's already installed. Surely missing Linux.
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