Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
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jrockit illegal memory access, [54]

Hi, I am evaluating vtune 9.1 on linux 64 bit. I know I am running on a non-supported platform, Red Hat Enterprise 5.3 64 bit. Vtune seems to run fine; but when I try to view the modules or hotspots I get an error from jrockit. I searched the archives and found mention of this from last year but did not see a resolution. Is there a fix for this problem?
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor III
Hi, I am evaluating vtune 9.1 on linux 64 bit. I know I am running on a non-supported platform, Red Hat Enterprise 5.3 64 bit. Vtune seems to run fine; but when I try to view the modules or hotspots I get an error from jrockit. I searched the archives and found mention of this from last year but did not see a resolution. Is there a fix for this problem?
If someone did report this issue as suggested, one would wish they had included the initial forum URL with a suggestion that any progress be reported there.
RH 5.3 is not likely to be any different from earlier RH 5 versions in this respect, so the newness of your installation should not dissuade you from seeking support.
Meanwhile, in case your jre is involved, do you see
>java -version
java version "1.6.0_10"
Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33)
Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0-b15, mixed mode

If you don't have Sun java, or it is an older version than this, or doesn't report 64-Bit, you should install this version from It is OK for Sun jre 1.5 (required by certain applications) to coexist with 1.6. I think Sun refers to these versions as 5 and 6 sometimes. In my experience, any older versions should be removed entirely. I wish the Intel tools gave better documentation about which jre versions are required. I have filed support issues on this and been turned down.

The jre version is the only difficulty I encountered with current VTune and PTU on RH 5.2.
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Additional comments:
1. Suggest to read Release Notes to know supported JREs
2. After downloading/installing supported JRE, use "export OTHER_JVM_BINDIR=Your JVM/bin directory"
3. Run vtlec

Best Regards, Peter
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Honored Contributor III
1. Suggest to read Release Notes to know supported JREs
An important point is that the release notes have erroneous information about supported JRE, and we have been told this will not be corrected.
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Hi, I am evaluating vtune 9.1 on linux 64 bit. I know I am running on a non-supported platform, Red Hat Enterprise 5.3 64 bit. Vtune seems to run fine; but when I try to view the modules or hotspots I get an error from jrockit. I searched the archives and found mention of this from last year but did not see a resolution. Is there a fix for this problem?

Thanks for all the help! Once my java was pointing to the correct version, 1.6, it works fine. I admit I didn't check the supported jre versions; I was just assuming it was something in jrockit.
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