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vtune ssh support destroys remote directories


Just tried vtune for the first time, connecting to a remote linux machine, and it obliterated the file system on the remote machine.

This is easily reproducible. When typing the ssh information, the GUI will *dynamically*, at any typing pause, attempt to log in to the remote machine, and erase whatever path or partial path is currently in the input form. E.g. if the installation directory is in /home/ubuntu/intel, and you start typing "/ h o m e" and then pause, it starts deleting /home. If you get as far as "/ h o m e / u b u n t u" and then pause, it erases /home/ubuntu.

This is pretty remarkable behavior. Be sure never to pause while typing, if you like your files.

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4 Replies

Hi Brian,

That is a severe problem. What host are you connecting from? I haven't been able to reproduce so far from my Windows host to my Ubuntu target, but will keep testing.

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I was running it on OSX. Not anxious to try it again. I did reproduce it. In more detail, the steps I took were these.

I installed vtune on OSX, and started it. I put in the user and host info. I started typing the install path, "/home/ubuntu", then alt-tabbed to the target host to get a file directory before picking a directory name. I alt-tabbed back to vtune, and typed the path name (which I don't remember now, perhaps "vtune"). When I returned to the console, I found all my files were gone, and vtune had installed files at /home/ubuntu, and at /home/ubuntu/vtune (one install nested inside the other).

All my transient data on the target was still in the main memory of my editor, so I exited vtune, deleted all the vtune files on the target host, saved all my transient data, and restored the rest from source control. I restarted vtune on OSX, and repeated the steps above, checking the file system at each step. I found that every time I changed the path in the input form it would install remote files, deleting anything that was there.

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Hi Brian.

First of all I would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.

We reproduced issue on our side and that is regress on some our updates.

We are going to fix it for the next parallel studio update.

We will do our best to exclude this in the future.

Sorry for inconvenience, Kirill

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This has been fixed in VTune 2020 update 1. Please let us know if you continue to have this problem.

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