Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
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what distributions/kernels will be supported?

Honored Contributor III
I am running Red Hat IPF AS2.1_U3 on a year-old zx6000. As far as I know, that is the only distro which supports the graphics card on this box. I attempted to install the 3.0 RDC, using the kernel source provided with this distro, and filed a QuAD issue, which was answered and closed promptly.

The answer from QuAD is that it's up to us to find a kernel source which is compatible with Vtune and our platform, then build a kernel and Vtune drivers. This is about what the situation was 2 years ago. The QuAD answer also says that pre-built drivers may be provided for certain stock RH kernels, but doesn't say which ones, or when. I would like to see Vtune document which linux distros and kernels have been tested, and provide links to kernel sources used successfully. I assume that closure of the QuAD issue means there will not be any such list.

I've heard that this Vtune is an improvement, if it can be installed successfully. I would up or downgrade the kernel, if someone could report a successful version.

I got a report of successful installation on an EM64T Laguna box, RH EL3_U2. I will be trying remote collector. I'm assuming that vtl is not intended for distros without graphics card or mouse support.
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4 Replies
The Release Notes (/opt/intel/vtune/VTLRELEASENOTES.htm after installation, as well as one of the files in the downloaded tar file) list both supported distros/kernels as well as tested distros.
You said you attempted to install the RDC, but you didn't say what the problem was. Typically, if there is a problem, it is due either to kernel source that doesn't match the kernel loaded or missing kernel information (usually reported by the build-driver script).
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Honored Contributor III

I'm not an expert on kernels. If Vtune doesn't work with the kernel source provided with a standard linux distribution, and there are no instructions about how to proceed, it's simply going to be tough for most of us to use. I haven't been able to find any html files in the distribution, I've looked all through for any documentation.
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This is excellent discussion!
All kernel source that ever was can be downloaded for free at I'm guessing you can find yours there, unless it's a really really really odd duck of some kind.If it's not there, you'd have to trace the provenance of the server, talk to the folks who gave it to you, until you can found the installer, who may be able to tell you everything you need to know aboutfinding the kernel source.
Instructions for creating your own sampling drivers can be found one of two places, but really amounts to just running the provided ./build_driver script. You can track the appropriate instructions down here:
Or, on the Intel opensource site:
HOWEVER, I'm going to cut and paste the non-legal contents of that file below, so you can see that the process isn't too complicated. (You must never experiment with changing the kernel on a production system, with other users logged on! Be sure to use a system that contains no unbacked up, important data on it.)
Failing this, using a supported OS, either for VTune 3.0 for Linux beta, or for the VTune analyzer 7.2 Beta and it's Linux remote agents are the only ways to get cracking.
Partial README for building your own sampling driver ---------------------
VTune Performance Analyzer Driver Kit, v0.931 SOURCES 05/18/2004
Requirements for building the VTune Performance Analyzer sampling driver:
- a Linux* system with IA-32 processor (with or without Intel Extended
Memory 64 Technology) or with Itanium processor
- system must have GCC compiler version 2.96 or higher installed
- system must have GLIBC version 2.2.2 or higher installed
To build the sampling driver, run
Upon successful build, the driver can be loaded into the kernel via,
and later unloaded from the kernel via,
The sampling driver must be loaded in the kernel prior to using the
VTune analyzer. It is also a good idea to test the driver by running
a default sampling session using the VTune analyzer.
Once the driver has been loaded and tested, copy the driver to the
directory where the other pre-built drivers reside (e.g., "..").
This will permit the driver to be automatically loaded at boot time.
NOTE: if automatic loading of the driver at boot time was not selected
during the initial install, run
to enable this feature.
For technical support, please see the document doc/SUPPORT .
The latest updates to this kit can be obtained from,
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Honored Contributor III
I got an answer from premier support confirming that the kernel supplied by IPF AS2.1_U2 should be supported, but no more recent AS2.1 updates. The Vtune team is working toward supporting rdc for em64t EL3_U2.
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