Application Acceleration With FPGAs
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How to measure power consumption of OpenCL kernels running on Arria10GX Dev Kit?


Hi, everyone


I am developing an accelerator kernel using OpenCL along with Arria 10GX Dev Kit board. I need to measure power consumption of the board while my kernels are running. So far, the only online measuring tool I've found for Dev Kit was the BTS power monitor. However, in order to use the BTS tool I must first load the BTS sof on the board, overwriting the kernel design, which is not what I need.


My question is:


Is there any method to access the board monitoring sensors that is not through the BTS design? I was expecting some way of accessing the board sensors through JTAG so that I could monitor the power consumption during the kernel execution.


Navigating through the BTS source code, I've noticed:


1 - There is an ltc2990 sensor for reading voltage and current values on the board.

2 - BTS Power Monitor Software reads/writes this sensor through I2C (Addr 78).


If there are no official methods to measure power consumption of the kernel, I wonder if the sensors I2C pins can be accessed externally, so I could read then with a microcontroller or raspberrypi.


Thank you for any help



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2 Replies



There is no official method to measure power consumption of the kernel.


We can help to check with board team if there is any capability to measure temperature from the board itself.




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First I would like to note that Arria 10 GX development kit schematic using MAX1619 IC to read the temperature of the Arria 10 core.

Schematic Connection as folows , The output of the MAX1619 -U46 connected to J24 Connector (I2C interface ) through zero ohm Jumper ,

connected to LTC2977(8-Channel PMBus Power system Manager) (I think to alert or turn off power) and it is also connected to the MAXV 5M2210 (CPLD).


From the schematic understanding I can suggest two options ,

Option 1: You can read the Arria core temperature via Max V using connected bus " MAX5_BEn[3:0],MAX5_OEn,MAX5_CSn ,MAX5_WEn and MAX5_CLK" 

Option 2: As you said, you can read using Adrinuo or Raspberry pi connect to the I2C bus in J24.

I referred Schematic (for your reference) : "A10GX_PCIE_E3p1.pdf" 

Link :


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