Application Acceleration With FPGAs
Programmable Acceleration Cards (PACs), DCP, FPGA AI Suite, Software Stack, and Reference Designs
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Weird log info while compile AOCX on quartus prime pro 19.1 for a10 board

New Contributor I

Hi inteler:

It appear weird log info while compile AOCX on quartus prime pro 19.1 for arria10 board



environment: Quartus prime pro 19.1.240

board: A10gx


when the Batchsize=8, it's OK, no problem, while batchsize=32(DSP utilization about 64%) or 47(DSP utilization about 99%), other logic element is below 50%, it shows the following info, Anybody can help me , or give me suggestion ??

Thanks in advance!




Compiler Command: aoc -v -board=a10gx -l ./bin/dot_product_efi.aoclib -I /home/iot/work_example/work2/meiyang/dotProduct/inc ./device/ -o ./bin/sim.aocx -report

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'

 what(): std::bad_alloc

Stack dump:

0. Program arguments: /home/iot/intelFPGA_pro/19.1/hld/linux64/bin/../../llvm/bin/aocl-opt -march=fpga -O3 -board /home/iot/intelFPGA_pro/19.1/hld/board/a10_ref/hardware/a10gx/board_spec.xml -libfile /home/iot/work_example/work2/meiyang/int8_bs/bin/dot_product_efi.aoclib -dbg-info-enabled --soft-elementary-math=false -pass-remarks-output=pass-remarks.yaml sim.fpga.bc -o sim.kwgid.bc

1. Running pass 'Function Pass Manager' on module 'sim.fpga.bc'.

2. Running pass 'Mark the decision for loop pipelining' on function '@sim'































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1 Reply
Valued Contributor III

Based on the "std::bad_alloc" error it looks like the compiler is running out of memory, possibly due to insufficient amount of memory installed on your compilation machine. If you have enough memory on the machine (32+ GB), this oculd then be a sign of some memory leak in the compiler that eventually fills the memory and crashes.

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