Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
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A Few End-Of-The-Year CSR Predictions

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Two things seem to be the staple of stories this time of year. Either a best/worst countdown of the last year, or a set of predictions for the new year. CSR is all about the latter, so I think we should focus there.

Last week, I was asked by InfoWorld to come up with a few green-tech predictions. Many contributors participated and had some interesting insight to that subject in the story.

But for this post, I’d like to focus on the broader CSR agenda. I also know there are many CSR/Sustainability experts that see this blog – so I’ll just start with a few to get the ball rolling and ask the readers to keep adding to the list.

Best Wishes for a successful, responsible and sustainable New Year.

-Large companies will continue to name Chief- Responsibility, Sustainability or Green Officers, but Boards will be slower to seek those skill sets among their director openings.

-G3 reports will grow in number, but be read by fewer and fewer people (think 10K). Other communication vehicles will proliferate.

-Green will continue to be the theme of 2008. Consumers and the press will struggle to determine what’s meaningful and what’s spin.

-At the same time, the focus on the development agenda may suffer as attention peaks on climate and energy.

-Lines will continue to blur between SRI and “mainstream” analysts led by Energy and the Environment.

-Business process integration will continue. Look for CSR performance ties to compensation as evidence.

Here’s where you add to the list or correct my predictions….