Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
736 Discussions

Connecting & Enriching the Lives of Every Person on Earth

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Intel's vision for the next decade is to create and extend computing technology to connect and enrich the lives of every person on earth. Now we just have to figure out how we're going to do that.

Let’s start by thinking of people’s use of technology as a pyramid.

We all start at the big base of the pyramid – communicating, playing, seeking information. In other words, as users of technology. Then we move up a level as builders – we use technology to build our communities, do our jobs, help our families, improve our lives. And at the tip of the pyramid we have the creators – envisioning and creating technology.

Today, all around the world, women and girls are underrepresented at every level of that pyramid. If Intel truly wants to enhance the lives of every human being on earth, we’ve got some catching up to do with the female half of the population. But we've made a good start! Twelve million teachers around the world have learned to use technology with their students thanks to Intel Teach. Well over half are women. Think of the impact that has on the girls they teach, and on their own lives.

Women empowered by technology to teach more effectively and to take on greater leadership roles in their schools and families. Women role-modeling for girls that technology is cool, fun, and life-changing. Two million children – half of them girls - have learned to use technology to improve their communities, envision careers and create businesses thanks to Intel Learn.

Girls who have saved lives by advocating for improved sanitation in their community. Girls who have stopped the practice of child marriages in their village. Girls who have learned to think of themselves as competent users of technology, able to build their own lives and help others. Eleven to thirteen year old girls enriching their lives and the lives of their community with technology. We have witnessed the impact of technology on the lives of girls and women all around the world. We want to do more.

Shewill-innovate-small-300x158.jpgWorking with Ashoka, one of the first and most effective organizations promoting social innovation around the world, we want to find the very best social entrepreneurs who are working to put technology in the hands of women, and who are giving women (and girls) the skills they need to use it. And you can help!

This link provides details about this competition and how to enter before the August 15 deadline. Winners will be recognized with more than $30,000 in cash and in-kind prizes awarded to the best and most innovative solutions that equip girls and women with new digital technologies—enabling them to live healthier, smarter and more meaningful lives.

Share the e-card with your social media networks and encourage anyone you know to make sure that people with good ideas hear about the competition and have a chance to participate. Let’s help close that gap for women and girls around the world! After all, we have a lot of work to do to reach every person on earth by 2020…