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Entrepren-europe-ship rocks !!

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In May 2005 Intel's Technology Entrepreneurship Program was launched globally at an Intel Academic Forum in Gdansk Poland. Since then the entrepreneurship bug spread through-out Europe with Faculty trainings in Technology Entrepreneurship happening in over 16 countries, training more than 600 faculty. At the student level 1000s of student start-up companies have evolved through this effort and the compete each year in various country and regional level competitions and have also fed the Intel Challenge in Europe over the last 5 years, some even winning 1st and 2nd places in the global Intel-UC Berkeley Technology Entrepreneurship Challenge (IBTEC).

This year again the competition will be steep, especially from Europe as Entrepren-europe-ship rocks !! Here some of the competitors from Europe competing at IBTEC:

OpenBuildings (BG): OpenBuildings was founded by studying architects and architecture fanatics who became increasingly frustrated by the lack of online resources for learning about architecture and buildings. OpenBuildings is produced by a group of recent architecture students and experienced web designers and programmers; operations are largely based in Bulgaria we are an international team who has been working together for 4 years.

EasyCheck (IS): EasyCheck's mission is to Reducing suffering and mortality rate from Breast Cancer to Near Zero by Developing a Breast Cancer Early Detection Test.To be a market leader in breast cancer screening and diagnostics, providing all women with a friendly, convenient and reliable POC & home appliance for breast cancer detection in its earliest stages.EasyCheck's mission is to Reducing suffering and mortality rate from Breast Cancer to Near Zero by Developing a Breast Cancer Early Detection Test. The product is comprised from a unit that constructs NAF from the breast, and from a kit that checks SEVERAL DIFFERENT biomarkers. Each Biomarker individually is not that accurate, but together, they provide an index which we call EasyScore that has better accuracy.

Iletken(TK): iletken builds recommendation technology for online businesses that helps them recommend the most relevant content and products to their customers. iletken's product is an Amazon meets Facebook recommendation engine for online retailers that simply plugs into their sites and helps them increase their sales by creating a personalized shopping experience. The service automatically learns from on site behavior and personal data on Facebook to deliver powerful recommendations instantly.

CamGaN(UK): We are a research group based in the Department of Materials Science at the University of Cambridge. We can make white LEDs (light-emitting diodes) up to 5 times cheaper than their current and forecasted cost, which would lead to a revolution of the world's lighting. Lighting consumes ~20% of the world's electricity. White LEDs are more energy efficient than incandescent light bulbs (~10 times) and fluorescent lights (2~3 times). Currently they are still too expensive, e.g. a 6W LED bulb (equivalent to a 60W incandescent bulb) sells for ~$30. The global market for white LEDs was ~$4 billion in 2008. New growth (>25% per annum) is being triggered by huge demand from flat panel display (LED back-lit TVs and pc-monitors), automotive lighting and outdoor lighting. If cost is reduced, home and office lighting market will boom rapidly with the worldwide prohibition of incandescent lamps.

Winduction(UK): Winduction is a spinout company from Isis Innovation Ltd. (Isis), the technology transfer com-pany of the University of Oxford. Winduction will commercialize an evolutionary small wind turbine devel-oped by Oxford academics that offers cost-leading wind energy for residential and commercial applications. The company is seeking to complete a seed round of £400,000 in order to commercialise its prototype and enter the UK market. The global wind energy market is growing at 20% CAGR and is expected to be worth £12B in 2018. The small turbine market was £169M in 2009 with projections of up to £3B in 2015. The UK Carbon Trust has calculated a UK addressable market of c. 1M homes.

ADTELLIGENCE(DE): provides the leading advertising targeting platform for the social web. We are unifying self-service ad-booking, ultra precise user profile targeting based on real data, payment, monitoring, analytics & market intelligence as a fully automated SaaS solution running on cloud computing. Today's targeting for online ad campaigns is usually based on site content or predictions who the user "could be" with low ROI. Our targeting is based on real user data. This enables them reach their audiences exactly & results in higher conversions & revenues. With our targeting engine based on real user data we increase click rates, conversions & revenues for advertisers & ecommerce shops. Most social networks have vast traffic but still lack in monetization: With our technology publishers can monetize their inventory much more efficiently & attract more advertisers.