Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
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"Everything you do makes a difference..."

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"Everything you do makes a difference" is a quote from Philippe Cousteau, who brightened an already great day considerably last week in Washington, D.C. He is the grandson of legendary explorer Jacques Yves Cousteau. Philippe is the co-founder and CEO of Earth Echo International, a remarkable (and really cool) non-profit whose mission is "to use media and experiences to empower people to use the resources that can restore and protect Earth's ocean and freshwater systems." With the same vision of how experiences can impact and shape global issues - from the environment to education - Philippe was very willing to be a part of the Inspire community and share not only what inspires him - but also what he tells young people all over the world about how with every choice they make they are making an impact - and they get to choose whether or not that impact is positive. He was a keynote speaker at last year's Intel International Science and Engineering Fair and received rave reviews! Check out his video here - and a huge thanks Philippe!