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GeekDad from Wired Coming to ISEF

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GeekDad Ken Denmead from Wired Blog Network will be on the scene meeting super science geeks from around the world as they compete at Intel ISEF.

In GeekDad's post from earlier today he remembers his student science project and invites others to join him:

Intel has decided to send yours truly, the lowly Editor of GeekDad, to Atlanta to cover the fair for two days! I'll be at the fair Thursday and Friday, taking pictures and video, talking to the kids and the adults (and especially any geeky parents) who are so passionate about science. And if any of our readers are going as well, please drop me a line at my contact email, and I'll make sure to connect with you and hopefully include you in my posts from the fair!

I'll be on the look out, hoping to get the chance to meet il Papa' di Geek.