Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
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Graduation Day for the 2009 Intel CSR Report

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In about a week I will be beaming with pride as my son Jonathan walks across the stage and accepts his high school diploma. As Director of Corporate Responsibility at Intel I must admit that I have similar feelings with the release of our 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report -- proud of what has been accomplished, looking forward to what the future holds and a little worried about the potential pitfalls that exist in a very complicated world. And just as my son is well prepared for the future and determined to change the world in a positive way, I believe our report will demonstrate the same is true about Intel.

2009 csr report thumbnail.jpgOur founder Robert Noyce encouraged people to not be encumbered by the past and to go off and do something wonderful. Over the years I have tried to impart the same wisdom on Jonathan and I hope that it is engrained in his core. There is no doubt that the Noyce's call for innovation permeates all that Intel does. And you will see the power of innovation to address global challenges demonstrated through out the report.

We have created and applied technology to drive energy efficiency throughout the economy. The Intel-powered classmate PC helps improve the quality of education worldwide. Our employees are applying their skills out in the community. For example, Intel's Volunteer Hero recipient, Dulcie David, an occupational health employee in India, developed and delivered with other Intel employee volunteers an HIV/AIDS awareness program out in the community. And close to 70 employees and teams were nominated for the Intel Environmental Excellence awards for actions to help reduce our environmental impact - from water and energy use reduction to process changes to reduce chemical use.

As my son heads-off to Arizona State University next year I know that who he meets and what he learns will shape his life journey. The same, again, is true for Intel. I invite you to help shape our journey by reading the report, telling us what you think, what we do well and what we can do better. I will make you the same deal I make Jonathan. I can't promise that