Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
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Great Minds Take Responsibility in the Middle East

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It's not often that any of us mortals get to be in royal company, but that's where I found myself a few days ago (metaphorically speaking). Just as I finished working on the Intel CSR report for the META (Middle East, Turkey and Africa) region, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordon announced the formation of the Arab Sustainability Leadership Group(ASLG), the first of its kind from the region to commit to sustainability and reporting.

The Queen made the announcement in her keynote address at the Amsterdam (GRI) Global Conference on Sustainability and Transparency. She also appealed to the audience of over 1,000 global business leaders to make Arab youth part of their social equity agenda.

At Intel, we see great potential in all youth and therefore invest significantly in educational programs. We believe that students everywhere deserve the chance to develop their skills to become innovators. The report provides a broad view of our great CSR activities in the Middle East, Turkey and Africa, focusing on Education programs.