Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
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Intel Foundation Celebrates 30th Anniversary

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pia-headshot-e1490156602519-150x150.jpgThis blog was posted on behalf of Pia Wilson-Body. Pia is the President of the Intel Foundation. The Intel Foundation acts as a catalyst for change by investing in innovative STEM programs, providing disaster relief and support, and amplifying the investments of Intel employees across a broad spectrum of personal philanthropy and volunteering. 

In 1988, a handful of Intel executives including our legendary co-founder Gordon Moore sat down to create a corporate foundation to formalize Intel’s philanthropic giving.

This week, we celebrate the 30thanniversary of the establishment of the Intel Foundation. I am so proud of what we have achieved working with our partners from around with the world, and with the support of Intel’s employees!

The timeline below provides a nice snapshot of our history through a few key milestones.

We will continue our commitment to acting as a catalyst for change in communities around the world. Learn more about our work at intel.com/foundation.


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