Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
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Intel Grants Free Access to its Intellectual Property to Covid19 Researchers and Scientists

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Headshot of Steven Rodgers


This blog was published on behalf of Steven Rodgers, executive vice president and general counsel of Intel Corporation. 


Earlier today, Intel pledged an additional $50 million to our Covid19 efforts, focused on driving the technology, expertise and resources the world needs to defeat this terrible pandemic.  But scientists and researchers need more; they also need the freedom to make Covid19 innovations and inventions without the threat of being sued by intellectual property owners.  For that reason, in addition to this morning’s $50 million pledge, we are also giving Covid19 scientists and researchers free access to Intel’s vast worldwide intellectual property portfolio – one of the world’s largest – in the hope and belief that making this intellectual property freely available to them will save lives.

Intel is proud to join the Open COVID Pledge as a founding sponsor.  On behalf of Intel employees around the world, and especially our inventors who have worked so hard to create Intel’s intellectual property, we encourage intellectual property holders around the world to join us in this pledge.  Innovation and protecting innovation are at the heart of everything we do at Intel.  During this pandemic, Intel employees have continued to work tirelessly to produce products that keep the Internet running, and that allow us to work and school our children from home, medical professionals to care for their patients, and governments to plan and respond.  We will continue to invent – and protect – our intellectual property, but we offer it freely to those working to protect people from this pandemic.