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Intel ISEF: More than great STEM projects

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Goosebumps took over my body when the crowd of 1,700+ high school scientists erupted for the Ghana student running up on stage to represent his country at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) for the first time. The level of support and positive energy in the room was overwhelming. Of the 78 countries, regions, and territories present, Ghana and Zimbabwe were represented for the very first time and despite being only three finalists from Ghana and Zimbabwe at the event, you never would have known it. The other students cheered for them as if they too were the proud representatives of these countries. For me, it was the best moment of Intel ISEF 2017.

Other highlights of the week included learning about the very personal inspirations of the amazing projects and seeing finalists learn and casually engage with one other. I experienced the support of a global community of young people, all with different backgrounds, beliefs, and interests, come together to encourage one another on a common quest to solve global challenges and positively impact the world through research and technology solutions.  See our photo gallery below for some of the highlights from this incredible week.
The first finalist at Intel ISEF from Ghana getting a warm welcome on stageThe first finalist at Intel ISEF from Ghana getting a warm welcome on stage

The energy of the opening ceremony of Intel ISEF 2017.The energy of the opening ceremony of Intel ISEF 2017.

Finalists sharing their musical talents and collaborating to create a unique sound.Finalists sharing their musical talents and collaborating to create a unique sound.

Enjoying some time outside the competition and getting to know the other finalists.Enjoying some time outside the competition and getting to know the other finalists.


The famous "confetti drop" on Ivo Zell (center), who received the Gordon E. Moore Award, Amber Yang (left) and Valerio Pagliarino (right) who each received an Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award.The famous "confetti drop" on Ivo Zell (center), who received the Gordon E. Moore Award, Amber Yang (left) and Valerio Pagliarino (right) who each received an Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award.


isef_quad_day01-21.jpgCommemorating Intel ISEF with a photo.


isef_day02-7.jpgWorking at the "Scribble Bot" creation station.



Experiencing virtual reality for the first time.



Capturing her face on the wall of Intel ISEF finalists.



All smiles exiting judging.


About the Author
Sydney is a creative strategist, producer, and master storyteller at Intel. She capturing stories of impact, sustainability, and amazing people across the company.