Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
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Making Earth Day Every Day

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Earth day is just around the corner and as I reflect on my past 21 years at Intel, one thing has remained constant: a focus on the environment is in our DNA. I remember a quote in our inaugural Environmental, Health, and Safety Report in January 1995 by Gordon Moore, co-founder and chairman emeritus of Intel “We need to continually improve our manufacturing process, thereby reducing our burden on the environment and becoming an asset to the communities in which we live and work.”

As part of our longstanding commitment to live up to this challenge, we continually look for ways to reduce our footprint. We’re far from perfect but I’m particularly proud of three notable milestones over the past year:

folsom-solar-carport-900x507-300x169.jpg Solar covered parking in Folsom, California

In 2016, we unveiled a new solar installation in Folsom, California. At peak capacity, the solar arrays will generate enough power to meet over 50% of the campus’s energy usage, equivalent to meeting the power demand of almost 1,000 homes. In the next few weeks we’ll be unveiling another campus with a similar solar investment—watch this space!

SRR3-back-wide-300x176.jpg Smart and green building in Bangalore, India

In September, in Bangalore India, we completed construction on our newest office building. The energy efficiency of this building is our best to date, less than 50% that of a traditional office building. Outfitted with smart LED lighting, smart occupancy sensors tied to our HVAC system, solar hot water heaters, rain water harvesting, and grey water re-use systems makes this the smartest, greenest building we’ve ever built and sets a new baseline for our future construction roadmap.

Earlier this year, GE and Intel jointly published a white paper exploring the opportunities presented by the Internet of Things (IoT) in industrial applications and featuring projects implemented at GE and Intel that demonstrate what is possible. IoT technologies used to manage buildings operations, industrial operations, and transportation networks have the potential to optimize production, minimize operating costs, and conserve natural resources.

Sustainability is a journey and there is more to do. Our employees’ passion for innovation is key to achieving our environmental strategies and goals. As part of our Earth month celebration this year we are again encouraging all of our employees around the globe to take action and volunteer their time in the community. In doing so we can realize Gordon Moore’s call to action of being “assets to our communities” and ultimately make earth day every day.

See more of our efforts to make Earth Day every day at Intel below:

About the Author
Todd Brady is the Director of Global Public Affairs and Sustainability for Intel Corporation. In this role he leads state and local government affairs, media and community relations, corporate volunteerism and sustainability at the company's major manufacturing and office locations around the globe. In addition to overseeing regulatory and community engagement strategies in the US, China, Southeast Asia, Israel, Ireland and Latin America, he directs Intel’s global initiatives to make Intel “smart & green” by leading corporate-wide sustainability programs such as climate, energy and water conservation, green design and the integration of internet of things (IoT) solutions to create smart and green offices, buildings and facilities of the future. During his 20+ years at Intel, Todd has represented the company publicly in numerous forums and led industry-wide initiatives in many national and international committees. He has authored more than 20 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings on a variety of sustainability topics. In 2009, he was named by Scientific American as one of ten outstanding leaders involved in research, business or policy pursuits that have advanced science and technology. Todd holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University and a MS in Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.