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Our Davos Media Diet

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I’m in Davos!

I got to travel to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland along with some great education advocates from Intel: Chairman Craig Barrett, legal eagle Bruce Sewell, corporate responsibility man Will Swope and education programs leader Brenda Musilli.

Barrett will be meeting with world leaders to discuss ongoing efforts to increase technology access and catalyze improvements in education and healthcare globally. One such effort that I am particularly proud of is the Intel Teach program, which just crossed the milestone of five million teachers trained around the world. The program has helped to donate more than 37,000 PCs to 500 schools in over 20 countries and inspired governments the world over to match our contribution. And Craig spent a good portion of the morning in the not-so-balmy outdoors telling this story to the notable journalists such as CNBC's Maria Baritomo. craig%20and%20maria.JPG

As Bruce hinted to in his recent post, I expected to be star-struck here at Davos (and as i type this, Bono sits at the table next to me). And I expected the well-known and established names in journalism. But what I wasn't expecting is the significant presence and participation of bloggers big and small. It's great to realize that WEF organizers found it important to include "new media" folks along with such a formidable lineup of world leaders.

I've spotted some blogerati who are contributing to the great online media coverage, like Robert Scoble (who has been streaming fun, sometimes live video clips on his Qik channel), the most prolific Jeff Jarvis, and Huffington Post Davos veterans.

That's not all: the Davos organizers have a great community site with fresh videos and blog feeds. You can also keep the pulse on the latest developments by following them on Twitter, or by joining Reuters in Second Life. This is YouTube's 'Davos Conversation' booth. YouTube%20Booth.JPG

Other sources of online coverage not to be missed include The Wall Street Journal's Davos blog, business news coverage by CNBC, and an in-depth story about Craig Barrett and the World Ahead program from Fast Company magazine.

I’m snapping photos whenever I can, and keeping my ear to the café chatter. There is a lot of great energy and ideas here. Let’s put them to good use!!