Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
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Power Down for the Earth

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One of the most gratifying things I get to do at Intel is support the work being done by the Climate Savers Computing Initiative (CSCI), the non-profit organization co-founded by Intel, Google, and the WWF in 2007. I'd like to highlight 3 current activities being organized by CSCI, where we can all get involved in creating a lower-carbon future.

1. Support for Earth Hour, March 28 at 8:30pm local time.

2. IT Power Management webinar on March 30.

3. The Power Down For The Planet campaign running now until April 17.

On March 28, millions of people and thousands of cities around the world will turn off their lights for one hour at 8:30pm local time. The Climate Savers Computing Initiative would like people to take one extra step during that hour - take 5 minutes to turn ON the power-management settings of your computer. To learn more, visit www.climatesaverscomputing.org

If you're an IT professional, or someone who helps pay the electricity bill for an organization that uses computers, you'll want to attend the IT Power Management Webinar on March 30 2009, 9am-11am PDT. Experts from the Climate Savers Computing Initiative, the U.S. EPA Low Carbon IT program, and Forrester Research will share best practices on how to cut the energy use of your computers, save money, and help save the planet.

Finally, there are 3 weeks left in the Power Down for The Planet campaign, whereby colleges and their students, faculty, and staff can take steps to reduce campus energy waste, and compete for some great prizes and bragging rights! If you are part of a college community, or have a favorite local college or alma mater, encourage them to get involved.

Get involved and Power Down everyone!