Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
736 Discussions

Profile: Mariana Iribarne

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Mariana_Iribarne.jpgIn her role as Corporate Affairs Manager for Intel Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, Mariana Iribarne is in charge of building Intel´s relationship with local governments, industry and NGOs and of promoting the adoption of ICT to increase productivity and economic growth. She also manages the implementation of Intel´s Corporate Social Responsibility Programs in these countries.

Mariana has more than 14 years of experience government affairs, economic, and trade issues. Prior to joining Intel she was Economic and Trade Advisor for the European Commission in Argentina, where she promoted the adoption of European technologies, and focused on bilateral trade issues between Argentina and the EU. She was also Economic Advisor to the Australian Government and a Public Investment Specialist at the Argentine Ministry of Economy.

Mariana holds a BA in Economics and Politics from Wake Forest University in North Carolina, and a Masters in Public Administration from Columbia University in NY. Her passions outside Intel include spending time with her three children, golfing, skiing and exploring new technologies. You can follow her on twitter at @iribam and find her on Facebook and Linkedin.