Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
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Reaching New Levels Through Disruptive Technologies

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Disruptive technology was the word of the day at the finals of the Intel+UC Berkeley Technology Entrepreneurship Challenge. It was the culmination of a week long event held at UC Berkeley highlighting top new entrepreneurs from the top of their country contests. With 27 teams in attendance the competition was very high and after a difficult deliberation the winners were named.

OsComp Systems of the Dominican Republic took the first prize of $25k and captured the judges respect with their new look at processing the natural gas production from the well to distribution. They took a fresh look at a 7Billion dollar industry and propose transforming their pumping systems from technology based on 1900's design to a new breakthrough technology increasing performance and reducing costs. This team represents top minds from Dominican Republic partnering with university linkages forged through their university experience and bringing the best back to a new company and paradigm.

Home town favorite Magoosh from Berkeley in the USA secured second prize of 10k with their novel video approach to preparing students for their academic standard testing such as GRE, GMAT and LSATs. These tests serve as milestones that truly set the future of students as they path their careers - a top school can make the difference and a key input to this is the test scores. In the worldwide view getting in to a top global school is not only the student's quest but can represent the culmination of a family's dream to support their student. Magoosh created a revolutionary model that produced customized training in short video clips and increased interactive nature of the learning experience.

Germany's ADTELLIGENCE focused on creating a new marketing paradigm that allowed advertisers to customize their audience. The team utilized their industry experience and business school skills to evolve the marketing efforts for the 21st century. Directly the team spoke of the challenges and great opportunities they have taken - leaving professional secure jobs and taking a calculated risk to create a new and innovative business.

For the 6th year of the Intel+UC Berkeley Technology Entrepreneurship Challenge the experience continued to highlight the young entrepreneurship worldwide and continued to foster the development of the Entrepreneurship Culture worldwide. It is a proven metric that the majority of "job expansion" are created by new companies and startups that expand the workforce needs globally and locally. In the US, just like Mark Twain and his Tom Sawyer's adventures, entrepreneurship is an opportunity that is part of the culture - this is not automatic mindset worldwide and it is important to reach out and share this opportunity - highlighting what are the true steps to becoming an entrepreneur and create the next killer app.