Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
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Seven is a lucky number, but ten is a milestone

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My fourteenth anniversary at Intel occurred several months ago and for all of us at Intel we know that means that I have qualified for my second sabbatical. Every 7 years Intel employees get to take an 8 week paid leave from the company with the opportunity to add additional vacation time if so desired. I will be leaving on my sabbatical in a couple of weeks and besides planning my trips to National Parks, I find myself taking a little more time these days to reflect.

I am very proud to work for Intel and have the tremendous honor to lead Intel's Corporate Responsibility Office. Intel's commitment to positive change guided by a core set of values and uncompromising integrity were key reasons I initially joined the company. Of course, perks like sabbaticals certainly have their appeal.

What has transpired over the last fourteen years has been absolutely remarkable in my mind. The desire to constantly improve has led Intel to not only make a positive difference in the communities we call home, but to also have a profound global impact. What was once focused on philanthropic programs managed by a few has become a core objective of the company supported by all.

The corporate strategy for Intel is captured in four key objectives and the fourth objective is "to care for our people, the planet and inspire the next generation." Today we released our 2010 Corporate Responsibility Report. In the 100 or so pages of the on-line report you will see the tremendous steps we have taken to help us meet the "fourth objective" and in some instances you will see areas were we have fallen short.


Care for our people-- Our employees on 90% of the questions in our org health survey gave Intel an improved score from 2009. 48% of our employees volunteered in their local communities totaling 1 million hours and $7.9 million in Intel Foundation matching grants to schools and non-profits.

Care for the planet-- 62 individuals and teams from around the world were nominated for Intel Environmental Excellence Awards, which recognize employees that have helped to reduce Intel's environmental impact. In addition to yielding environmental benefits, these employee projects resulted in estimated cost savings of $135 million showing evidence of the fact that things can be good for the planet, and good for business.

Inspire the next generation-- Reached over 6 million secondary school students through the 2010 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), a program of Society for Science & the Public and 9 million teachers through the Intel Teach program.

While on my sabbatical I will continue to reflect on the success that we have had, but more importantly I will take the time to think about what the future holds. One of the great benefits of the sabbatical is it does provide the time for contemplation that is not always available in the hectic day to day work. I'm excited to come back refreshed and recharged - and just in time to engage in discussions for planning next year's report.

But I do ask that you take some time to read our report and feel free to provide to me your suggestions on how we build on our performance and solve any gaps that we may have. Feedback from our readers and stakeholders has shaped our reporting and CSR strategy over the years - so we greatly value your thoughts and suggestions. Tell us what you'd like to see over the next year, or even what advancements you'd like to see from us over the next 7 years - so I can start thinking about my next sabbatical.