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Video: Intel ISEF Students from Albania, New Mexico, Arizona

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The final hour before official judging began on Tuesday, I got to meet with four young scientists and learn about their projects.

Caroline Wurden is from Los Alamos HIgh School in New Mexico. This is her second year at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair showing the latest advancements in her research on Plasma reactions called "Great Ball of Fire II." Her working lab, the home garage, is where she's been zapping plasma under differenet conditions and measuring the reactions. She says there's similar research on this topic happening today in Germany.

Kristi Dode and Jona Basha arrived in Atlanta nearly a week early from Albania. They travel and work well together in their project to clear air pollution for children. They measured the intensity of pollution near the surface of roadways and sidewalk, down low where children walk and play. Then they developed some novel ideas for roadway materials and a pumping system that would remove significant amounts of surface pollution.

Alexander Fredrickson is from Phoenix, Arizona. His project is called Electromagnetic Accelerator Efficiency Comparison. What he's doing is comparing coil gun vs. ray gun performance in hopes of finding new uses for these accelerators beyond wartime weaponry.

Sciencewoman was also on the scene and she share photos and descriptions of some Intel ISEF projects that caught her eye.

So far, what's interesting to you?