Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
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What’s next for Intel’s new Corporate Responsibility Report? More “Snackable” and “Bite-sized” CSR bits

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This past Thursday, we released Intel’s latest corporate responsibility report at our annual stockholder meeting. Fast forward three days, and I am sitting in a hotel in Quito, Ecuador getting ready for the start of the CSR Americas conference with two of my Intel colleagues from Argentina and Brazil.  We were having breakfast this morning with someone who leads CSR for a large Mexican company who does their CSR reporting and said “they say finishing a report is just like having a baby.” Of course it’s not exactly the same, but is the same in one respect: the work certainly doesn’t end with the birth of the report itself.

bite-size-2011-CRR-COVER-small-300x235.pngThis week, we’ll kick off the next phase of our report launch – our “bize-sized CSR” series.  We know that most people won’t sit down and read the report start to finish in one sitting, so over the next few weeks, our team will be publishing a series of posts taking a closer look at a number of the highlights and features in this year’s report. Some of these posts will profile our colleagues who are the real people behind many of the results and innovative projects covered in the report. We’ll also be rolling out a tweet series with key report facts through our @intelinvolved twitter handle. And we’ll be reaching out to different stakeholders – both internal and external – for feedback on the report to begin to collect input for next year’s report (although admittedly – hard to think right now about starting the process all over again… (-:)

But first, I wanted to kick off the bite-sized series here with a quick overview of some of the new features in the report this year. I am personally very proud of this year’s report and the changes we’ve made based on reader feedback. We deliberately do not try to reinvent the wheel each year, but we do incorporate stakeholder feedback and take into account recent trends in reporting best practices. A few new elements you’ll notice in this year’s report:

  • New “integrated value” section. Over the past few years we have continued to integrate sustainability information into our Annual Report and 10-K and other investor communications. This year, we have also made changes to the Corporate Responsibility Report itself to further address the topic of integrated reporting.  We have taken key elements recommended by the International Integrated Reporting Committee and included them in a new section of this year’s report entitled “Our Business and Integrated Value Approach.” This section includes: information about Intel and our operating context, risks and opportunities, strategic objectives, governance and remuneration systems, performance and goals, and future outlook. This new integrated value approach section can be read as part of our complete Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)-based report, or it can be downloaded as a separate document from our Report Builder web site. Our hope is that this modular approach could meet both the needs of those readers interested only in an integrated report, as well as those stakeholders who are looking for more detailed sustainability information. We are interested in readers’ feedback on this approach, and hope that it serves as a helpful example for other companies as they move along the path toward integrated reporting.

  • Report assurance. Understanding the growing importance of assurance and data verification to report readers, Intel began down the path of report assurance this year and engaged Ernst & Young LLP to conduct an independent review of selected indicators contained in our report in accordance with AT 101, Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements, of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

  • New human rights discussion. Based on feedback received through our stakeholder engagement process over the past year (including a stakeholder panel facilitated by BSR in early 2012), we expanded our disclosure on human rights in this year’s report and updated Intel’s Human Rights Principles. The 2011 report includes a new human rights section that unifies information previously covered only in separate sections, and adds additional information on our management systems and processes across our own operations, our supply chain, and product responsibility.

  • Expanded supply chain disclosure. We continued to expand our disclosure on our actions to promote accountability in our supply chain, including discussion of the increased supplier audit activity in 2011, our summary findings from these reviews, and our planned course of action going forward to address them.  We also added more information on our work to address the issue of conflict minerals and our plans to request our top 75 suppliers begin producing sustainability reports in 2013.

  • Increased interactivity and new web interface. Based on reader input, we continued to produce our full GRI report in an interactive PDF format, with the option of building customized reports through the Report Builder web site. We added some additional interactive features to the report this year, including new highlight boxes throughout for additional stories and information, and new video features. We also launched a new web site interface for the report, to help readers get quickly to key elements of the report, such as the letter from our CEO, summary performance data and goals tables, the GRI Index, the UN Global Compact Communication on Progress.

So stay tuned for more tweets, and bite-sized posts from the report in the coming weeks and please let us know what you think of our new “baby.”
About the Author
Suzanne Fallender is Intel’s Director of Corporate Responsibility. In this role, she collaborates with key stakeholders across the company to integrate corporate responsibility concepts into company strategies, policies, public reporting, and stakeholder engagement activities to advance Intel’s corporate responsibility leadership and create positive social impact and business value. Suzanne leads a team of experienced professionals who engage with internal and external groups to review Intel’s corporate responsibility performance and to identify new opportunities to apply Intel’s technology and expertise to address social and environmental challenges. The team also works closely with Intel’s investor relations and corporate governance groups to drive an integrated outreach strategy with investors on governance and corporate responsibility issues. Suzanne has more than 20 years of experience in the field of corporate responsibility and socially responsible investment. During her time at Intel, Suzanne has held a number of corporate responsibility-related roles, including leading programs empowering girls and women through technology. Prior to Intel, Suzanne served as Vice President at Institutional Shareholder Services where she managed the firm’s socially responsible investing division. Suzanne holds an M.B.A. from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University and a B.A. from Trinity College in Hartford, CT. She has served on a number of leading industry advisory boards and committees on sustainability and corporate responsibility over the past decade and currently is a member of the Net Impact Board of Directors. Follow Suzanne on Twitter at @sfallender.