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Intel Lays Out Vision on Artificial Intelligence in Europe

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By Mario Romao, Director EU Data Policy

On 18 October in Brussels, Stéphane Negre, President of Intel France, gave a keynote interview at Forum Europe’s Artificial Intelligence Conference. Moderated by Mr. Paul Adamson, Forum Europe’s Chairman, Stéphane Negre was joined by Mr Nikos Pappas, Minister of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media of Greece. Minister Pappas discussed the role of the Greek government in promoting public and private sector investment in digital projects. Stéphane Negre started by commenting the French AI Strategy as having the right focus. Titled AI for Humanity, it does not lose sight of whom AI must serve. He gave the examples of medicine and precision agriculture as two practical areas where AI can have massive positive impact for society. 201810_AI_172.jpg

In fact, Intel is working with the renowned French Institute Curie to implement high performance computing and artificial intelligence in accelerating genome sequencing and interpretation for oncology. Recently, Intel Capital invested in Delair, a France-based global provider of drone solutions that enables monitoring and digitization of physical assets from the air and turns the collected data into valuable business insights, for example, to help farmers maximize crop yields and reduce environmental impact. Stéphane used the Delair example to call for creative arrangements for the re-use of data, as the same aerial data can potentially serve multiple purposes.
Stephane Negre, President Intel France

Overall, Stéphane reinforced our recommendations for government implementation of AI strategies:

Foster Innovation and Open Development – To better understand the impact of AI and explore the broad diversity of AI implementations, public policy should encourage investment in AI R&D. Governments should support the controlled testing of AI systems to help industry, academia, and other stakeholders to improve the technology.

Create New Human Employment Opportunities and Protect People’s Welfare – AI will change the way people work. Public policy in support of adding skills to the workforce and promoting employment across different sectors should enhance employment opportunities while also protecting people’s welfare.

Liberate Data Responsibly – AI is powered by access to data. Machine learning algorithms improve by analyzing more data over time; data access is imperative to achieve more enhanced AI model development and training. Removing barriers to the access of data will help machine learning and deep learning reach their full potential.

Rethink Privacy – Choose comprehensive privacy laws instead of AI specific regulation. Privacy approaches like The Fair Information Practice Principles and Privacy by Design have withstood the test of time and the evolution of new technology. But with innovation, we have had to “rethink” how we apply these models to new technology.

Require Accountability for Ethical Design and Implementation – The social implications of computing have grown and will continue to expand as more people have access to implementations of AI. Public policy should work to identify and mitigate discrimination caused by the use of AI and encourage designing in protections against these harms.

Intel was pleased to participate in this conversation and is actively pursuing these and similar strategic discussions about how the technology underpinning AI can be used to promote societal goals and help solve some of the world’s most pressing issues.