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A Critical Supply Chain: Building An Ecosystem That May Take Us To Mars

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With a career that encompasses a daily variety, Supply Chain Manager David O’Sullivan talks to us about the scale and opportunity at Intel, and how our new fab facility in Magdeburg will help shape the future.


Tell me a little about yourself and your story at Intel.

I joined Intel in 2011 and was working in the wireless division, specifically offshore assembly and test, then moved to working on silicon design and enablement, then to package platform management. Most recently I moved into supply chain development in the EU ecosystem.


Tell us a bit about your current role.

My role is technically based and includes trying to find solutions that will benefit Intel’s tech in the future, solutions to improve the local economy within EU, and trying to improve our bottom line. It allows me to draw on all my experience as we are building the EU ecosystem of the future in the semiconductor world. That means finding new partners to support the EU ecosystem and IDM 2.0. It can involve finding the one supplier who is delivering a solution which will benefit everyone, and then integrating them into our systems. I also work in supply chain resilience – there’s a lot of internal and external relationship management across the ecosystem.


How is the facility at Magdeburg impacting the future and that ecosystem?

People are surprised at the scale and size of the ecosystem and the amount of companies and level of technical expertise involved. The best example is when you talk about the car manufacturers – there are so many suppliers involved, indirect teams who deliver things like electronics. Magdeburg will be central to this ecosystem and help with the knock-on effect for all those delivering components. We’re bringing in a highly skilled workforce, and Magdeburg will be working around the clock. The semiconductor industry brings new challenges but also new opportunities.


What excites you about working at Intel?

No two days are the same. I can be dealing with suppliers from hi tech to low tech. I get to talk to people at various levels both internally and externally – from government officials to technical salespeople. We are driving the vision, and if you see pictures of Magdeburg, you see the vision of the skilled workforce, and the vision of the future. Everyone is bringing their experience and we are building something new with long term skilled employment opportunities.


Which of Intel’s benefits most appeal to you?

At Intel we keep going until someone says no. If you have an idea you run with it. People always make time to help you and to brainstorm. It is an extremely positive place. I like the networking and you have to be a people person, because soft skills are important at Intel.


What’s kept you at Intel for over a decade?

I like having the freedom to pick up the phone if something interests me – I don’t need to get permission to speak to someone, and you’re not limited by boundaries or by your network. And in terms of career progression, there is real collaboration and support from managers to move and develop. 


Why is now a great time for someone to join Intel?

Come to Intel because you get to build the future, particularly in Magdeburg. There’s innovation, new technologies, integrating technologies and working with the pathfinders of the future.

This is the latest and greatest semiconductor tech – it might be the next thing that puts people on Mars. The scope is huge and there’s a big team which understands the ecosystem.


Ready to do more with your career? At Intel, we give you the freedom to push ideas and yourself. With once-in-a-lifetime opportunities at our new facility in Magdeburg, and growth opportunities across our business, you should join our team.


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