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An Israeli woman and an Irish woman travel the world together… Virtually!

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Sounds like the beginning of a good joke… but, this is our day-to-day life here at Intel! We are Mary and Netta—two Human Resources (HR) employees in the Greater Europe Region (GER) for Intel. In our day-to-day work, we work together even though we are located in different countries. We want to share what it’s like to work on a team in a multicultural environment, and how we engage as a team across different locations, time zones and cultures. But first, let us share a little bit more about us.


I work at the Intel campus located in Leixlip, Ireland. I have been a project manager in GER for over eight years now. I have come a long way at Intel from the early days of photocopying hundreds of CV’s and interviewing candidates back when Intel just set up in Ireland in ’92! I still work in HR, as I did back then, because I love the variety of roles it has to offer—staffing, compensation & benefits, employee relations, relocation. Now I’m back to Staffing as a project manager.

My group is responsible for Staffing Marketing and Channels in GER, so I get to work on many exciting and challenging projects related to attracting and retaining exceptional people. My co-worker, Netta, and I are currently working together on a global project team within Intel to launch this Blog! Our team members are located across five different locations and time zones (USA, Latin America, Asia, Ireland & Israel) – a truly multicultural working environment!


I’m a student (in Israel, we call interns, students) working in Intel Israel with the Academic Relations group. My group is responsible for Intel’s connections with the academia. In addition, we handle the different sourcing channels to recruit students and graduates. We work within the Israeli academia to support Intel’s short- and long-term talent needs. As a student, I work on a lot of interesting projects, such as promoting this blog in GER and getting to work with a lot of people from different groups. I am learning about the HR world and, in parallel, learning about the technologic world which makes me more professional in my work. I really enjoy the variety in my work and the work environment.

***Mary and Netta***

Parallel with our local work, we have common projects with other groups in other countries. These opportunities make our work very interesting and exciting. We are exposed to different cultures and we learn about each other and how we can best work together. A funny example of cultural differences is when Mary’s having “great craic” at work. She means she’s having a great day, but I thinks she’s broken something!

We get familiar with and work around the various holiday and time zone challenges in both Ireland and Israel. We share information and advise each other as we are the content experts for our local countries. This opportunity to work together as a team, gives an added value to our normal day-to-day work in Israel and Ireland. We get to work on challenging projects which benefit the wider Europe Intel sites.

Many students are encouraged to join cross-geo project teams to gain valuable experience, not just in project management skills, but networking with colleagues and peers in many different countries and across varied cultures. Working with co-workers around the world widens our horizons and understating of different cultures and how they do business. We develop the ability to understand each other’s communication style, and learn to understand the needs and the differences. This contributes to both our professional and personal satisfaction.

One of Intel’s Values is to foster a great place to work. We believe that getting the opportunity to work in this multicultural environment really contributes to this Intel value. We enjoy and learn at the same time! But, don’t just take our word for it. You can visit Life at Intel to experience what it’s like to work at Intel around the world for yourself! Or, if you would like more information about the opportunities to develop and work on global projects, just join the conversation and ask us!