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Do Wonderful Spotlight: Hung Tran gives new life to demo technology

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Intel has no short supply of new technology and devices to demo. But where does technology go when it ceases to be “this year’s exciting new model”? Well, a lot of it used to go to the landfill. But since identifying the issue, the Intel Demo Depot (IDD) coordinates equipment donations as a team. This donation initiative quickly grew in popularity, and Hung Tran, a program manager in IDD, jumped in to streamline the program’s efforts—increasing donation volume in the process. Hung’s work is not only helping to advance Intel’s 2030 sustainability goals, but also breathing new life into gently used technology.

IDD’s main responsibility is to provide Intel teams with whatever technology they may need in order to showcase the latest solutions to customers, stakeholders, and stockholders. From powerful gaming machines, notebooks, and tablets featuring Intel architecture to monitors and more, these demos are all available to rent or purchase outright. Additionally though, Hung rallied his peers to widen their impact and help those in need within the community.

Hung partnered with Global Public Affairs community engagement managers to identify strategic partners that could place retired devices where they are needed most. But since every IDD program manager is responsible for different pools of equipment, he needed program managers across the organization to take ownership as well. Understandably, he is quick to credit the whole IDD team for the success of the program—they quickly jumped into action and never stopped. Recently, with the influx of people working from home and turning to virtual learning, the team’s impact has never been greater. This year, they have donated over 800 devices and counting.

Hung understands the importance of technology, and the opportunity it brings to open a whole new world of information for people. He sees it firsthand.

“The bright smiles and happiness in the eyes of people and children that the equipment may help,” says Hung, “is a huge blessing for me to see.”

His hard work and dedication have not gone unrecognized. And they act as a reminder that one person can have a positive impact on many. Not because one person’s action is enough, but because Hung’s work inspired and invited the whole demo depot organization to participate in the project.

This year, many schools and nonprofit organizations are struggling to keep up with the growing demand for devices due to the pandemic. Hung and his peers have made it a priority for Intel Demo Depot to work closely with those organizations and schools, to close this gap and bring the power of technology back to people at a time when it’s needed most.

As Hung—and all Intel volunteers—continue to Do Wonderful, they remind us all to continue to find innovative solutions that can reduce waste and help make our communities and our planet a better place.


The Intel Demo Depot team in Hillsboro, Oregon.

About the Author
We make the impossible possible and empower millions around the world through great technology, good corporate citizenship, and inclusive culture. We are Intel, and these are our stories.