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From Folsom to Taipei: Kelly Ng’s Intel Journey

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Kelly was born and raised in East Malaysia, in the beautiful state of Sabah. Most will know it as home to the country's highest peak, Mount Kinabalu. A computer engineering graduate from Western Michigan University, her Intel journey began at Folsom in 2008, after a stint as a software engineer for an automotive company. Growing up, Kelly was both keen and proficient in science and mathematics, so when a scholarship to study engineering came her way, she took the opportunity.

Today, after about 13 years with the company, having made plenty of lateral moves, she's the FAE/Technical Account Manager with Intel Taiwan's Dell Team, mainly interfacing with some of the company's largest customers. She's certainly traveled a long way both career-wise and geographically: from being an engineer to a marketer and from the U.S. to Taiwan. She's seen a lot, done a lot, and continues to strive for more.

Variety is the spice of life

"When you're an engineer, the work tends to be a little more siloed, often focused on one piece of a puzzle. But being in the SMG group gives me a more holistic view of the ecosystem. I get to be on the customer's side, to see their perspective and at the same time—drive new innovations."


Kelly loves interacting and working with people, from peers across Intel business units to external customers like the tech giants she supports. It's a source of excitement and purpose for her, especially when the technologies directly impact people's livelihood.

And herein lies her recipe for continued purpose and success: constantly learning, looking for new opportunities, putting oneself in dynamic and fast-growing spaces, all while balancing work and personal life.

"My decision to move to Taiwan was driven by two key factors. The first was that I'd be much closer to my family in Malaysia. And secondly, it's because Taiwan's a thriving tech ecosystem, with major ODMs and OEMs, and I wanted to be part of the buzz. It also helps that I know the language and culture."

How to set yourself up for longevity and success

Work aside, Kelly is also a strong advocate for networking. A former chairperson for the Women@Intel Network (WIN) Taiwan, she finds joy in connecting with others, hearing their stories, and seeking inspiration through these experiences. She is also a former lead for the Taiwan Influencer circle, helping to create work-life balance, career developments for employees, and the mission to make meaningful impacts on Intel Taiwan's culture.

"This is one way you can find out things you never knew before. On the one hand, you'll learn more about the organization and the work it's trying to do, and on the other, you'll open up doors and opportunities for self-growth. And of course, you've got to do your job well too!"


For Kelly, it's important to be in an environment and culture that endorses growth, teamwork, and empowers you to do more than you think you're capable of.

"Amidst all that, do find your balance. This company values mental health, and it's not just about getting work done. There are all kinds of learning resources available to you—you can always ask for help. And this is especially important, being in an ever-evolving and growing space."


Are you ready to grow your career with Intel Taiwan? Explore our open opportunities today.

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