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From Software Intern to Hardware Marketing

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When I started at Intel at the Ulmsite in October 2008 as part of my second mandatory internship for my studies, I was pretty new to the software marketing sector. Knowing Intel as a huge manufacturer of semiconductor chips, it was very interesting for me to have a closer look at the software development products Intel develops.

The site at Ulm is specialized for software development tools and most of the employees there are software engineers. As the site is not very big there is a strong community within the employees which made it very pleasant to work there.

During my internship I organized a worldwide webinar series on the topic of software development tools, worked on the GUI redesign of the Intel® Debugger and helped to set up the Intel® Tools Competency Center . I got a really good in depth view on how important software development tools are for Intel and decided, after my internship to go on as a working student parallel to my studies. As I was really excited about the development of the software development tools market I decided to write my thesis on this topic as well and stayed with Intel Ulm until March 2010.

Though I enjoyed my work with software marketing, I wanted to switch to hardware marketing since my educational background is more hardware based and I found myself more drawn to hardware than to software. After finishing my studies I got the opportunity to move to the Munich site and started as a college graduate (CG) on the Intel Inside® Program Team. Having this opportunity was like winning the lottery for me! All the best known methods (BKMs) I got from software marketing are now very helpful in my new job. I found it helpful to have a wide range of knowledge and be aware of the different markets a company participates in.

Being a person who is interested in a lot of technical stuff, Intel is a great place for me; I can combine my work and my interests which makes it lots of fun to go to work every day. I want to use my passion to make customers aware of the great things which can happen with Intel. This may sound like an advert to you, but this is why I decided to stay with Intel and start my career.