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Get to know 6 ‘secret’ Intel U.S. benefits

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I work in recruitment marketing and every so often I get to drop in on new employee orientation sessions.  It’s always fun to talk to new employees during their first week at Intel.  Being that I’m in Arizona, topics that always seem to come up are the dry heat and where they can go to get great Mexican food.  Being that food is one of my favorite pastimes, I’m always happy to suggest my favorites.

Outside of food and weather related topics, the other thing I hear the most is how surprised they are to learn about the variety of services and benefits that Intel makes available.  Many of them applied for a job at Intel not knowing much, if anything, about our benefits.  Made me realize, I probably need to do a better job of getting the word out on these “secret” benefits.  So, here we go!

The king of all benefits – Intel’s Sabbatical Program

Cathy just got back from sabbatical where she visited Ireland and many Irish pubs. Click to enlarge. Cathy just got back from sabbatical where she visited Ireland and many Irish pubs. Click to enlarge.

This is definitely the most coveted benefit at Intel and the one new hires seemingly drop their jaw at when they discover it.  Every 7 years you can take an 8-week, fully paid sabbatical. Want to take time off sooner? You can opt to take a 4 week paid sabbatical after 4 years instead. You have up to 3 year once you’re sabbatical-eligible to take your time off, so there’s plenty of time to plan and save for the perfect experience.

Your sabbatical is taken in addition to your regular paid vacation allowance for that year, and the time off comes with no strings attached. During my first sabbatical (I’ve been on two) – I took a nice little trip to Southeast Asia where I visited Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore.  I know, not too shabby. It’s not that uncommon for your co-workers to remind you of what you left behind when you come back.

This benefit is one of the reasons that Intel was named on Glassdoor's 25 Highest Rated Companies for Vacation & Paid Time Off list.

Intel’s Air Shuttle

Fly the friendly Intel skies! Fly the friendly Intel skies!

It may not offer frequent flyer miles, but Intel has a fleet of private airplanes available to all employees at major campuses. It’s a key element in face to face collaboration and innovation. With delicious snacks, beverages, and wifi – you’ll almost wish all air travel could be this easy – plus there’s no taking your shoes off for security in our private terminals.  It’s not uncommon for me to jump on the shuttle early morning in Arizona and meet my colleagues in Oregon for an important issue.  I’ll back in Arizona in the early evening just in time for dinner.

Adoption and Fertility Assistance


Intel recently expanded their fertility and adoption benefits in 2016, helping us lead the industry in family-friendly benefits. Having the ability to grow their family in a variety of ways has made a difference in countless employee’s lives.

I know from friends of mine what an exciting step it is to bring an adoptive child into their family.  Intel employees that are considering adoption for their family plan are eligible for up to $15,000 per finalized adoption with no lifetime maximum. Fertility benefits are also available up to $40,000, with an additional $20,000 for prescriptions and no medical diagnosis requirements.

Onsite SpaSpa

SPA isn’t just another Intel acronym – it’s actually one of those luxurious relaxing places you’d usually visit after work. Only now you can stop in between meetings.  I’m guessing you probably didn’t realize many of our campuses have onsite spas where the top service requested is a pedicure.  While services aren’t free, it’s nice to be able fit in a quick neck massage during your lunch break.

Free personal training and group fitnessFCOpening1

All Intel employees receive 3 free personal training session and unlimited large and small group training sessions from our corporate wellness partner, EXOS.  Coming from a guy whose primary source of exercise was curling my remote control, this has been a nice addition in my quest to get more fit.

Intel Education Service CorpsIESC Team  IMG_5518

Intel Education Service Corp, otherwise known as IESC, is a favorite among employee benefits.  You can apply to be a part of a team that travels to developing nations for three weeks at a time to enable Intel technology.  The individuals pictured traveled to Rwanda for their adventure.  By bringing Intel technology into the classroom to help enhance the teaching and learning experience, they were enabling the true digital classroom!

Still curious about life at Intel? Learn more about Intel benefits and why Amazing Works Here.

The benefits listed above are for general full time employees of Intel as of Oct 2016.  Benefits are reviewed continuously and can be augmented, modified or removed in any given year.
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Full array of benefits. Expand to enlarge Full array of benefits. Expand to enlarge