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Global Diversity Team

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Diversity.jpgThe Global Diversity Team is a group of rock stars who help to recruit, retain and develop top talent for Intel with numerous marketing programs internally and externally. Each team member has their own area of expertise: Margie (with the help of our awesome intern, Josh) plans and executes Intel’s presence at numerous conferences around the country while Nicole provides both strategic and tactical support for educational programs such as the Intel Computer Clubhouse and the Intel Design Challenge. Denise owns the global diversity communication strategy but spends most of her time working with creative agencies on advertising, graphics, photography and video production. The majority of communicating is left to Tiffany, our internal communications specialist who keeps 80,000 plus employees updated on our whereabouts and awards through our intranet and newsletter.

Collectively, we have more than 60 years experience at Intel, and we look forward to sharing our insights, perspectives and ideas as we participate in a variety of recruiting and development activities throughout the year. Check out our Diversity at Intel site for more and follow us on Twitter, @Intel_Diversity!