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Green Intel: Happy Earth Day!

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When I boot up my computer in the morning and connect to the Internet, my browser takes me to Circuit. Circuit is our internal communication tool with Intel news, updates and articles. One of the articlestoday highlighted Intel focus and emphasis on the environment and I just knew I had to share! I conferred with our Employee Communications team and got the green light...ta da!

At Intel, going green isn’t just a corporate fad—it’s a deliberate decision to respect the earth and its resources with the choices we make every day. Our 80,000 employees spread across the globe, as well as our technology and business practices, are making the world a greener place.

We’ve collected some fun numbers that show how small choices multiplied by thousands of people equal big impact. Happy Earth Day!


What are you doing to celebrate Earth Day?

Reporting by Nisha Desai and graphic by Barbara Nelson.