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HR Pathways: Creating My New Life with Intel

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Hello everyone! I'm Matt! I must say having been a habitual reader of this blog before becoming an official Intel employee, I am truly excited to be able to give back and share my thoughts on life from the “other” side!

So who is this strange new blogger? My name is Matt and I’m a CG ( college graduate), currently participating in the HR Pathways Program in Hillsboro, Oregon. Having been a grizzled Intel veteran for 15 weeks now, I think it’s fair to say that it’s been an amazing start to my career.

I must be honest here, being born and raised a Midwest guy from Chicago; I had some trepidation about packing up my life and moving out west to always green Oregon. Will I meet new friends, how is the area to live in, and how will I integrate into the workplace? All valid questions and all areas that I think Intel has vested much effort in to ensure its employees have an excellent work-life balance.

Question:How will I meet new friends and gain a sense of community?

Answer:Employee groups and networks

I constantly take advantage of the many employee groupsat Intel such as the CG Network, Women at Intel Network, Toastmasters, Oregon Hiking Club, etc. These groups are phenomenal ways to network with other individuals across many departments at your site that have similar interests and backgrounds as you.

A great example of this is when a group of 18 CG’s (myself included) organized an overnight camping trip in the Mt. Hood National Forest. Many of us met through the various CG Net events that are held throughout each month, and it was a great opportunity to get together outside of work for some fun in the forests!

But that is just one example of the countless number of great activities, conferences, and opportunities to expand your network brought about by Intel’s many groups!

Question:How will I integrate into the workplace?

Answer:new Employee Orientation (NEO) and the work "buddy" system

When I hear the word “orientation”, I immediately think of being bombarded by excessive ice-breakers, videos, and presentations. In my experience however, Intel took a different approach. My NEO was focused on setting a foundation for you to grow your knowledge of the company as you grow in your first year. Just the basics today, and a learning plan with 3 and 6 month milestones. Learning everything there is to know about Intel in one day is impossible, and the NEO approach was refreshing.

While NEO is in place to aide you in learning about working at Intel, you’re also assigned a peer buddy who is there to help you adjust to your new day-to-day activities. (You may remember Daniel talking about the buddy program in his posttoo!) From trivial questions such as “Where’s the printer?” to actual job related learning, your buddy is a friendly and familiar face to turn to from day one, and makes the integration into your work team seamless.

So while some may worry about leaving the familiarity of campus and home to start a brand new chapter in life (I know I did), fear not. There are plenty of opportunities out there to find your way, take it from someone who just did it!