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HR Pathways: My Dream, My Goal, My Career

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Well, it is finally here. My last rotation!!! Whoa, where does the time go? In just a few short months, four to be exact, I will graduate from the HR Pathway’s Program and move on to my permanent placement. I know you are curious as to where my last rotation is, what I will be doing and what I will be learning, but I want to tell you how I got there first…

During my second rotation in Compensation, I made a list of areas that I was interested in, goals that I wanted to achieve and people that I thought that I wanted to connect with or even have as mentors. If you recall from my last blog, I helped organize the HR Holiday Ball in December and it reminded me of a previous goal that I had. I wanted to learn more about project management and even get my Certification in Associate Project Management. So what did I do? In true Intel style I scheduled a 1x1 (which is Intel code for a one-on-one meeting) with a Program Manager working in HRES (Human Resources Enterprise Services) at the recommendation of another Pathways colleague. That initial 1x1 got me excited because I loved this manager’s ideas. Not only was she creative, but I knew that I would learn a lot from her. I would learn all about Project Management, methodologies, and the movement to training project managers on consistency. As I had a few more 1x1s with her, my heart started pounding during one particular meeting and conversation when I asked her if she ever managed a College Graduate in the HR Pathways program, and if she had any desire to do so now. I really did not know what answer she would give, but I could tell from her voice that she had some interest. We decided to draft a rotation plan and submit it for approval to the Pathways Manager. I think you know where I am going with this….Yippee! My last rotation is going to be working in HRES where I will get exposed to program management work. I will even get to manage a project where I get to build my own team and everything!

To be honest, I feel like this is all a dream and that time are just moving way too fast! I never thought that I would be able to design my last rotation, much less be one step closer to getting my certification in associate project management. Over the last eight months at Intel, I have heard people talk about “the power that we employees have on making our own careers,” yet I never knew what that meant until this moment.

So here I am in week two of my last rotation and so far it has been all about meeting my team! Ooh I forgot to tell you, my manager lives in Arizona. Can you believe it?? I think that it is pretty cool that I will get to go back to Arizona a few times during this rotation on the company shuttle, and get more training through live meetings or phone 1x1’s.

I am really looking forward to learning about project management methodologies, and even managing a project of my own.  Because I was able to own and create my last rotation I am walking away with the faith that I own my future here at Intel, that opportunities here are possible.  That if I remain open and positive to the ideas of these possibilities that I can continue to grow and pave my future career.

I can’t wait to write my blog post for next month. I am sure I will have a lot to tell you about this last rotation and all the fun things that I will be learning—and maybe even some details on my hunt for my final placement!