We Are Intel
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1023 Discussions

Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year! 2011 was quite a memorable year and we only expect more great things in 2012!

I don't quite believe in resolutions, but I do like setting goals. One of my goals is to blog more often, both professionally (on this blog and on the Student Branding blog) but personally too (stay tuned and maybe I'll give you a sneak peek!)

Content is definitely what keeps people coming to a blog, but the way things are set up and the platform make a difference too. Notice anything different around here? There are minor tweaks, but we changed some of the behind-the-scenes workings on the blog. Stay tuned though because we have more great things coming. As we look at giving the blog a bit of a facelift, we'd love to hear your ideas!

Speaking of ideas:

What do you wish we'd cover more of?

Dying to hear from a specific business group or Intel employee?

Like things exactly the way they are?

Let us know  and we'll try my best to deliver!We’d love to get your take on what we should do differently or what we should keep doing the same to make this blog more valuable to you! Fire away by leaving us a comment!